View Full Version : How to become Visible to people on the Physical plane

22nd July 2013, 10:00 AM
How can you become visible while in astral form? For example, if you astral project but want a friend to see your astral body outside of your physical body (but they're not astral projecting themselves)...is there a way you can make yourself visible to people who are on the physical plane?

22nd July 2013, 11:05 AM
yeah i think it's there's a word for it , it's called "teleportation" , (sorry! couldn't resist :tongue: )

22nd July 2013, 02:11 PM
i've seen two friends sitting right next to one another, not saying a word, nor looking at each other, but quietly reading each others texted messages, with the apparent laughter of the inside joke.

22nd July 2013, 03:06 PM
I don't think you can 'make yourself' visible while in the astral, because when you interact with another you are interacting with their astral beings, and if they are not in the right mental state they will be 'off phase' enough with you that they won't see you.
It's a matter of being on the same wavelength, so to speak, it's not a thing you do to yourself.
But if you put a strong emotional expression in your desire to communicate with them, then their doubles would perhaps communicate something to their conscious minds, and then would get a 'feeling', or an 'impression', unless they're in trance or dreaming. Then they would dream of you or see you if they're in trance.

22nd July 2013, 05:17 PM
People who are clairvoyant or have astral sight while in a trance would be able to see you while you are in astral form.

If you want to be physically visible to someone who is not clairvoyant or not using astral sight then that would be more difficult. I heard that Robert Bruce and EA Koetting have briefly become visually "solid" in front of someone when projecting but it was only for a brief moment at a time when they experimenting with it. There are probably some others who can it. It is considered an advanced skill.

I have a theory about it if you want to consider it, I have yet to achieve this myself. I think it is about vibrational rate. If you are in the real time zone then it is more of an etheric projection which is lower in vibration than astral. If you can lower your vibration even further then you become closer to the physical in terms of vibrational state. Close enough perhaps that someone can see you, whether it is more of a ghostly image or something more solid depends on how well you can control it.

Aunt Clair
27th July 2013, 04:04 AM
I have seen diverse projectors appear in my home when I evoked them to heal them or when they chose to appear during a reading or spontaneously. I have had sitters view me in projection and describe me although they never met me and they live overseas after I projected through an internet link. I have had peers tell me that we conversed in the astral or in a dream and I recall it also. And I have entered the home of peers and asked them what I wore, what I said and got confirmation .

So yes I am confident it is possible and it occurs routinely amongst magical peers. I just think it is difficult to appear to the untrained or to appear in adverse circumstances.

In order to be seen when projecting there are some things to consider about clairvoyance;

Clairvoyance develops along a predictable continuum. It is rare that humans are
not clairvoyant for all of us see in dreams, and many see in lucid dreams and in projection, also.

Clairvoyance is facilitated by dim light and altered states of consciousness, energy vibration of the clairvoyant and containment fields.

The bath room is such a field. The water in the pipes facilitates clairvoyant sight.
The clairvoyant may draw up energy to be able to see better , for a time.
The spirit who has a higher vibration has a better chance of being seen.

Clairvoyance at will develops after spontaneous clairvoyance.
Open eyed clairvoyance develops after closed eye clairvoyance.

There are spirits who are difficult to see by the trained clairvoyant in dim light in trance which is the ideal situation. Conversely, there are spirits who have appeared to the untrained in broad sunlight albeit for a short time.

So the clairvoyant should draw in energy and sit in dim light and await the projector at an appointed time. The higher vibration projector should draw in energy and project to the clairvoyant peer at the appointed time. In this manner , sight should be possible.

Once the projector and the clairvoyant peer have been successful in optimal circumstances, then they might experiment; vary routine and test protocol in order to learn.

Aunt Clair
27th July 2013, 04:20 AM

choose a clairvoyant peer
assign a time and place to appear
have the peer prepare the venue; dim light , bathroom, or sacred chamber
sit in a comfortable armchair , comfortably warm in dim light
open in protection together
draw energy down the spine concurrently over the phone or Skype
draw energy up the bare feet concurrently
(using the method called raising the dragon)
take the awareness to the heart picking up golden shen energy and then to the third eye
relax , release and let go becoming a golden seed of light
link to the sound of the clairvoyant's voice
take awareness to the source of the voice as a golden seed of light
when you feel yourself there
take time to orient self and anchor consciousness in that room
then unfold the self from the seed
with each breath sort of inflate the image to become the size of the physical body

Much of this method is intuited , this is the best that I can articulate my own method for this.