View Full Version : A List of movies with truth or consciousness elements

12th July 2013, 06:47 AM

22nd August 2013, 05:26 AM
thanks for sharing such a nice post

23rd August 2013, 09:49 AM
Did you watch any? I found "Revolver" very interesting.

23rd August 2013, 09:43 PM
yep, seen a few of em. i like that new signature, is right on. legendary member. indeed!

truth is indivisible, is whole; just as is consciousness. from our standpoint only, is either truth or consciousness a set of divisables or elements depleting of the whole. we may say that the sum of the parts is the whole, however, the whole is productive beyond the sum of its identifiable parts, perhaps endless or infinite in production, and is therefore, the whole greater than the sum of its parts, could even be furthered in saying the whole if in any parts are only those parts produced from the whole, that in truth, the sum of the parts that we would see as the whole's parts are simply not truth at all, and merely indicative of why such a whole as truth or consciousness would indeeds be productive beyond that whole towards expressive parts, that as expressed are being the truth, are being the conscious that would further express truth which would otherwise have not been expressable/produceable. creation/procreation

so yeah, expression provides truth or consciousness elements, but only in so far as we expressed do further express that expression which in and of itself is the element of, just as we as human are elementally of.


24th August 2013, 08:11 AM
"Venerable" is pretty damn cool too.8)