View Full Version : Is there a meaning to this?

6th July 2013, 03:57 PM
Would appreciate any ideas as to what I dreamt if it was just a bit of humour, or if you can interpret anything from it.
Woke up to something funny ( cann't remember it now) but I went back to sleep pondering that the humour is coming back.
Finally woke up again having just finished viewing something , ( this was not viewing behind closed eyelids whilst awake but recalled as a dream just finished)
I'm standing at the side of a stage watching David Beckham doing what looked like Michael Jackson style dancing to the tune Thriller. He was putting some punches like Kung Foo in when I thought 'what on earth is someone like that doing that, He looks stupid'.
He then turns around still dancing and punching,but the back of him is a dark skinned man, as if stuck to him and doing identical movements so from the front it looked like one person.
So in my dream I started thinking it was one person ,then appeared to be two ,but then again decided it was all one person with two different sides to them and at that point of thinking the dark skinned person separated and was now the man standing next to Beckham.
Woke up .
Points I'm trying to pick out that may be relevant are.
.......two sided
........separation. ( I truly don't think it has anything to do with my Marriage)
........two people are one

Ding Dang Dong!!!! As I'm writing this I have remembered I had been thinking not long ago about the possibility of my Future Self,Higher Self or what ever,being the person I believe to be a guide.
Would appreciate any ideas.

6th July 2013, 04:38 PM
Can't help but think this is animus related. The male self exerting its existence. Peter Pan needed his shadow sewn back on, so the animus to you may be akin to a shadow that momentarily demonstrates its 'otherness'.

That's what came to me anyway. :)

6th July 2013, 05:11 PM
Would appreciate any ideas as to what I dreamt if it was just a bit of humour, or if you can interpret anything from it.
Woke up to something funny ( cann't remember it now) but I went back to sleep pondering that the humour is coming back.
Finally woke up again having just finished viewing something , ( this was not viewing behind closed eyelids whilst awake but recalled as a dream just finished)
I'm standing at the side of a stage watching David Beckham doing what looked like Michael Jackson style dancing to the tune Thriller. He was putting some punches like Kung Foo in when I thought 'what on earth is someone like that doing that, He looks stupid'.
He then turns around still dancing and punching,but the back of him is a dark skinned man, as if stuck to him and doing identical movements so from the front it looked like one person.
So in my dream I started thinking it was one person ,then appeared to be two ,but then again decided it was all one person with two different sides to them and at that point of thinking the dark skinned person separated and was now the man standing next to Beckham.
Woke up .
Points I'm trying to pick out that may be relevant are.
.......two sided
........separation. ( I truly don't think it has anything to do with my Marriage)
........two people are one

Ding Dang Dong!!!! As I'm writing this I have remembered I had been thinking not long ago about the possibility of my Future Self,Higher Self or what ever,being the person I believe to be a guide.
Would appreciate any ideas.

Hi susan,
I got several thoughts about your dream but this was the strongest...
I am writing this as questions...
Are you prejudiced against your male energy??
How much have you faced your shadow/darkness??


7th July 2013, 10:43 AM
Thank you both,eyeoneblack and IA56.
I've had to do a bit of research on this topic( googling) before I could reply just to fully understand.
So here goes.
The way I understand- female characteristics could be showing Healing,nurturing,intuitive,empathy,
- male characteristics could be showing Leadership,strength,courage,protection,warrior ship.

Would it be considered arrogant by others if I was to say that I feel ,(apart from warrior ship) that I can relate to all of those and feel that through life the male characteristics have come forward which have been needed due to different family issues over the years.
I don't resent this because at the end of the day it has meant that I felt I could and can handle any situation that is thrown at me.
I have mentioned previously in other posts that I am in Health Care therefore the female characteristics come to the front on a daily basis.
A little add on to the dream was that at the end when the dark skinned person separated from the other he grew in size.
Could I be demonstrating too much male energy?

7th July 2013, 11:42 AM
Thank you both,eyeoneblack and IA56.
I've had to do a bit of research on this topic( googling) before I could reply just to fully understand.
So here goes.
The way I understand- female characteristics could be showing Healing,nurturing,intuitive,empathy,
- male characteristics could be showing Leadership,strength,courage,protection,warrior ship.

Would it be considered arrogant by others if I was to say that I feel ,(apart from warrior ship) that I can relate to all of those and feel that through life the male characteristics have come forward which have been needed due to different family issues over the years.
I don't resent this because at the end of the day it has meant that I felt I could and can handle any situation that is thrown at me.
I have mentioned previously in other posts that I am in Health Care therefore the female characteristics come to the front on a daily basis.
A little add on to the dream was that at the end when the dark skinned person separated from the other he grew in size.
Could I be demonstrating too much male energy?

I go on with my thougts...You saw Michale Jackson and David Becham (black and white or light and dark) Your feeling was that he looked stupid doing moves as Michale Jackson and punching in silly way (prejudice) or your shadow are coming stongly forward and soon it will be seen clearly.
Have you bean lateley over certain or more strong and maybe bean accused to bean too macho ??


7th July 2013, 01:14 PM
I Have made a decision just recently to put off my own visit to the doctor over health concerns (that I know will involve hospital tests) because I have concerns over my husband's health .And when I told him of my concern for him he agreed to go to the doctor. This was a victory. I made the appointment,went with him,and did the talking.He is now having tests so we will just have to wait.
No one in the family knows of my health concern.This is my decision so there is no resentment.

The day I decided this I remembered the end of a dream where I had been angry with a group of people for leaving me alone ( bit childish) when someone stood out of the crowd and led me by walking behind me and was told to look into the distance.
The sky looked a bit muddy,murky and he told me that he loved me and I was his LIGHTENING. ROD.
Now this was just a dream but once again I've dreamt a word I didn't know the meaning to. Had to 'google'
Could this be me deflecting the attention from myself to someone else....my health issue to husbands health issue.?

7th July 2013, 03:10 PM
I Have made a decision just recently to put off my own visit to the doctor over health concerns (that I know will involve hospital tests) because I have concerns over my husband's health .And when I told him of my concern for him he agreed to go to the doctor. This was a victory. I made the appointment,went with him,and did the talking.He is now having tests so we will just have to wait.
No one in the family knows of my health concern.This is my decision so there is no resentment.

The day I decided this I remembered the end of a dream where I had been angry with a group of people for leaving me alone ( bit childish) when someone stood out of the crowd and led me by walking behind me and was told to look into the distance.
The sky looked a bit muddy,murky and he told me that he loved me and I was his LIGHTENING. ROD.
Now this was just a dream but once again I've dreamt a word I didn't know the meaning to. Had to 'google'
Could this be me deflecting the attention from myself to someone else....my health issue to husbands health issue.?

Yes this make total sense...you carry your husbands issues so strong that it comes through in your dreams...
How much do you get own time and to think of your self??


7th July 2013, 05:29 PM
A lot has gone on that I haven't really reviewed here, but I ran across an Aunt Clair comment and wondered if it, as apart from the anima/animus thing, might be helpful.


You'll have to scroll to the top of the page, apparently.

7th July 2013, 06:07 PM
Do I understand this correctly that this darker other side,or the( person)who called me his Lightening Rod could be a shadow self or lower self giving me a hint that it's time to face and act on the concern??

7th July 2013, 06:22 PM
Do I understand this correctly that this darker other side,or the( person)who called me his Lightening Rod could be a shadow self or lower self giving me a hint that it's time to face and act on the concern??

Oh, I have to leave that question open as it was contrary to my intuition anyway. I just thought you, and you alone, might take AC's comment into your investigation. :)

7th July 2013, 07:06 PM
Higher self. Lower self. It is not so easy to tell the difference. Their agendas for our purpose and spiritual prosperity collide in a fog of gray and confusion which invites our best discretion. Not easy. Do not try to draw a line between them but to master their collective sensibilities. I repeat; it's your ball!

7th July 2013, 07:18 PM
Thank you both. Once again I will not make any firm conclusion, but both your comments I will think further but at the end of the day, I know exactly what I'm doing and why,but I also know this may not be in in my own best interest but flip sometimes we make mistakes for the wrong reason and choose to ignore advice. After all this is our learning plane.
Thank you so much both of you.
You are both stars and deep deep down I know you are both right.