View Full Version : why in lucid dream but I can't take my fingers out?

1st July 2013, 07:09 AM
I have been practice my pulling finger techniques for a few weeks now. I set alarm every hour to pull my fingers. Finally I had lucid dream the other night, but it wasn't the fulling finger techniques wake me from dream, it was the question from a friend in my dream. I told him " very beautiful here" he said " are you sure you in the real world? maybe this is dream" then I realised , oh yes it is dream! so I try to pull my finger out in the astral world, but it doesn't work. I mean I can't take my finger out while I am at astral world. Why does this happen? I suppose be able to pull my fingers out.

1st July 2013, 04:08 PM
Can you explain what the 'pulling the finger' technique is supposed to do? I think I know but I want you to explain it. You'll see why later.

5th July 2013, 05:21 PM
I have been practice my pulling finger techniques for a few weeks now. I set alarm every hour to pull my fingers. Finally I had lucid dream the other night, but it wasn't the fulling finger techniques wake me from dream, it was the question from a friend in my dream. I told him " very beautiful here" he said " are you sure you in the real world? maybe this is dream" then I realised , oh yes it is dream! so I try to pull my finger out in the astral world, but it doesn't work. I mean I can't take my finger out while I am at astral world. Why does this happen? I suppose be able to pull my fingers out.

Well, it seems to me to be a win/win anyway. That you remembered the 'pulling finger' technique in your LD speaks to the reality of ascending to the astral in a consciousness of the experience. But, I have never been too aware of my physical body in an LD. It would never occur to me to even touch 'myself' as I'm not touchable in a physical sort of sensation. Just never thought of it. I'm not sure I'm getting this idea over, but in the astral I am astral and there is no such a physical thing I might think of.

In the Castaneda/Don Juan books, the student is asked only to SEE his hands; and I think there us merit and some wisdom to this though I would rather not try to explain it.