View Full Version : Stress or something more? I need help.

28th June 2013, 07:36 PM
Gday Robert.

I am stuck... I have been to the ER 20 times in the past 3 months. Every time it is stress and anxiety. They give me ativan and I am fine until 6+hours later and then I go down hill... I feel like my life is falling apart. Everywhere I go I feel drained. My thoughts won't stop and even with meditation I can't stop them because they whole time I am laying down I am burping up acid, my stomach hurts, (have had intestinal spasms.) Often I will throwup. I have lost my appetite...

I wake up in the mornings and my heart immediately starts beating fast. My head feels heavy... and I will dryheave in the bathroom for sometimes 15 minutes. I am very open with this because I am in desperate need for help. I was in the ER the other day so paranoid and so out of it I was grabbing onto the wheelchair hyperventilating and my body has gone through the equivalent of a seizure. All my muscles hurt. This all started in the morning and I went on all day with it.

This is progressively getting worse. I cannot eat anymore without throwing up and I feel so lightheaded it's hard to get up and walk to even go to the restroom. I have had countless times where I was crying because I just couldn't take the pain anymore. I have been doing this since a little kid but not NEARLY as bad as it is now. I have had panic attacks daily for years now. I am so concerned about my health I often manifest the actual symptoms. I cannot explain how debilitating this is. I used to get out of the house and go to a part time job etc. Now I am an agoraphobic and my only source of income is through my family for food etc.

I have been on over 22 medications (Some for schizophrenia) and they made it worse. When I do go to the ER I go into a panic attack when they give me medication. My mom was with me and we waited for about 3 hours to get checked and the whole time I was slouched in the wheelchair moaning and was in de realization. (Very scary symptom)

I can't leave my house... I feel I am being drained all day everyday. I have tried shielding myself... Grounding etc. I see a psychic here soon and get reiki done every monday. (IT WORKS WONDERS) I am so scared of medication now they have me on Xanax but the people I see now are very spiritual and are against medication. I will not stop taking my meds... But I do not want to be on them anymore for a long time.

I have seen natural doctors, I have been to hospitals for weeks learning cognitive behavior therapy. It's not helping.

Honestly Robert, this is debilitating to the point I went to a hospital not too long ago because I didn't want to live anymore.

I know a medium here who is EXTREMELY gifted. She can see beings around people etc. Last time she saw me she said there was something in me because I had like a second set of eyes coming out mine that were blinking on their own. I felt like CRAP that day so I thought it made sense... She said to be careful. I astral projected earlier that morning.

I don't know what's going on anymore and it's getting scary. I have a lot of help coming my way including past life regression etc. Thankfully I have a supporting family.

I saw the services you do that personal help stuff and I would be very interested...

I guess this is more of a cry for help. I'm stuck in my home gagging and feeling faint all day not eating. Is this stress out of control or am I being psychic attacked? I feel smothered all day. I am having strange thoughts that I feel aren't even mine. It's ruing my life...

I am sorry this was long. I just need help.

Thanks a bunch Robert.

Edit: I have seen cardiologists... Doctors... have had blood work... I see a neurologist soon... and EVERYTHING comes back normal.

3rd July 2013, 06:09 PM
Hey Robert I just wanted to make a quick update. I am doing a lot better. I bought your manifestation and healing video series. I am meditating daily. Seeing more of the sun... (I hadn't seen it for a month) So I am spending a lot of time in nature. I am feeling good.

Thanks for what you do Robert.