View Full Version : Excerpt from my journal and your thoughts on this.

25th June 2013, 07:54 AM
Hi Robert!
Thank you for taking your time to help all the people you help. Must be a full schedual and I'm impressed! I have an exerpt from my journal here where I believe I met my guide during a meditation. I think that I believe now what you know to be true for you, that there is no guide per se and that this guide is your higher self manifesting itself in an understandable way to you. So my question is if you have anything to add to my own ramblings below? Perhaps you have some advice regarding my experience or something to think about. Thank you.

Meditation and my guide (2012-11-06)

Meditated with a new guided meditation mp3 that I got from a Swedish medium called Zoƫ, thought I'd try it out. The meditation is specifically aimed for contacting your guide. It takes you through some simple relaxation exercises and invites your guide to you in a calm relaxing way. What I percieved was a bluish shimmering entity with a female apearance that I think I have come across before in a dream. I also felt his/her the name is Dalu or Daluu.

Its very hard for me to know when I make things up in my mind and when things come to me from an outside source (I could also say inside source *smiles*), but what many says is to trust your feelings so I have to go with that.
In the meditation I was guided up a mountain inside a temple where I sat down on a bench in a garden and met my guide. She was bluish and shimmering mildly and had a female apearance. I kept seeing her face occasionally as the environment faded and only her face was left in my vision. At one time her face morphed into something that looked very Indian (as in the country India), with tattoos and marking over her face and very intense eyes. It almost startled me but I kept my cool.
It felt as if I should have had a conversation with her but I wasn't prepared to ask simple direct questions so instead I asked her assistance in my OBE endeavours and I kept repeating that thought. What I felt the answer was, was that it wasn't as simple as that. To just ask and get it done, and offcource I already know that so I felt kind of stupid.
I also felt that his/her sex was undecided, and I guess there is no male or female sex for real and that its just a physical trait.

I asked my guide for a name I could use and at first I felt that it really had no meaning if there was a name or not, but I still got the name "Dalu" or "Daluu". Curious as I am I googled Daluu and couldn't find any comprehensive stuff about that name. When googling Dalu I found alot of Chinese references to it and coupled with that I'v had China apear in dreams on several occasions. Very interesting for me to say the least.

Another thing I found was the meaning of the word dalu in the Telugu language of India. Here it is. (http://telugu.indiandictionaries.com/meaning.php?id=8232&lang=Telugu)
The translation says: Brilliancy, lustre of complexion, prettyness, a shield.

I feel the english translation fits beutifully as a name for a guide. All the words fits for what a guide could be like when viewed from my perspective. Especially "lustre of complexion" gets to me as she looked like she was shining. Coincidence or fact? ;)

Whichever of the two things could be true, or both together in some way I cant comprehend right now. What I feel is that somehow he/she is at least connected to India.

Now, my main problem with all this is that I have a pretty wild imagination and as said before I do not know when I make things up and when things just come to me. The next time I try this I will have to try and trust my feelings more and also come up with some good questions.