View Full Version : Does condition of chakras affect luck?

19th June 2013, 11:24 AM
For many years now many of my chakras have been offline/underperforming/malfunctioning due to some personal, internal trauma I went through a few years ago. I know this is so because I feel an empty sensation in my chest/solar plexus/etc. etc., where as beforehand I would always have a "full/alive" feeling in those areas. Anyways, I vaguely remember that back when my chakras used to perform normally, I always felt extremely optimistic about life, and more often than not, things fell into place as long as I didnt try too hard to push things along or rush things. These days however, ever since my chakras appear to have "shut down", it seems like life is a little bit harder. It seems like whatever I do in life, I always have to make sure to cross my T's and dot my I's, otherwise things run a large chance of blowing up in my face, and even if I DO prudently prepare my affairs, sometimes they still fail spectacularly. In a nutshell, back when I used to feel that dynamic chakra feeling in my body, it seemed like everyday life was getting better and better, but nowadays my life pretty much seems like I take one step forwards and two steps back. Has anyone here improved their luck by healing their chakras?

In particular I am wondering about romantic luck. I don't want to drone on too much about this but basically im a decent looking guy and I get lots of attention from girls, but it rarely goes beyond that because it always seems like either forces beyond my control/regular bad luck always intervenes at the last moment and screws everything up, or the girl changes her mind and suddenly wants nothing to do with me. (I'm fairly experienced with the opposite sex, so its not as if im seeing interest that wasnt really there to begin with. In these cases, the girls are always legitimately initially interested in me.) Conversely though, assuming that what I am experiencing isnt a matter of luck, then is it possible that my chakras/aura are giving off a bad/unpleasant energetic vibe which somehow turns girls off on a subconscious level? (I would like to add that I have tenuous relations with people in general as well that closely mirrors my romantic problems. So it probably has the same root cause)

19th June 2013, 02:16 PM
What's up Libramoon,

I have lots of the problems you're experiencing as well, i.e. blocked chest/charkas, and if I could give you a couple tips they would read as follows:

Speak to yourself throughout the day. Make affirmations--positive remarks about yourself i.e. I am attractive, I am a genius, I am special, I am clairvoyant, I am happy, I love life, I love the planet Earth, I love myself so much, etc. Use your imagination and speak from, yes, the heart. And speak powerfully, confidently. Even speak out loud to break through some ego or astral barriers.

Also, number 2, visualize yourself as a very assertive, attractive guy. Imagine yourself in the third person talking to somebody and they are completely riveted by your words. And again, use your creativity! Go with the flow.

With the affirmations, you will see your day change instantly. With the visualizations, you'll see new paths opening in the future and things you'd never think of becoming a reality.

I learned these techniques from Robert's book, Evolution--I'd recommend it to anybody--and these techniques are quite fascinating psychological devices that literally rewire your subconscious. Do these things and you will see a difference.

Good luck,

19th June 2013, 05:54 PM
hey yoda, thanks for the tips. btw, would you say you are experiencing difficulties with luck as well?

19th June 2013, 10:07 PM
I don't believe so. If you mean with women I don't try very hard, so one could say I'm not "lucky" with women. However, I don't see any bad streaks, no. Haven't gotten pulled over recently, etc., so I'd say I'm doing all right on that end.

And np. Try those affirmations. They work.