View Full Version : Vortex

9th June 2013, 10:41 PM
This is one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. It was preceded by my using some delta-inducing hemisync before I fell asleep, but the dream was several hours later. I won't give the details except that there was a vortex thing like a tornado (but it wasn't black; ) it was whirling around in my back yard (that I grew up in, not my current one) and people were having to get away from it. At one point it almost "got" me and I could feel the high winds. Another woman who was there commented that if it had "gotten" me I'd be dead. So the whole dream was trying to keep this whirling vortex tornado-like thing from "getting" other people and me, in the house I grew up in, with my deceased dog, another dog, and some other women unknown to me. I was spending most of the time trying to keep other people from being harmed by it.

After the end of the dream, I was in another (?) dream in which I asked Robert Bruce about it (the vortex) and he said, "Oh, that is entirely typical."

I'm, like, what the hell was this about? (While it was neat to talk to Robert in the dream state, Robert....please don't be so cryptic next time! :lol: Entirely typical of what??? :D )

MA (ramping up to start PAPI on June 15th if I can get my "broadband" to start acting like broadband instead of like dial-up. It was just fine until a week ago when it decided to start acting like molasses. Maybe this damn vortex is in my internet....)

10th June 2013, 03:08 PM
A vortex is a gateway to another 'dimension' or 'plane'. They often appear to me when I'm in the RTZ and going in one takes me to an astral landscape. They are typical in that they appear to projectors all the time, and one in a dream would probably take you to another landscape.
I would bet that if "the vortex would have taken you" you would have ended up waking up, only because your dream character (which is a self aspect) seemed to fear it- makes me sure you would not have been comfortable traveling that way.