View Full Version : Daily Physical Astral Projection Boosters

9th June 2013, 09:24 PM
I've kept a pretty intense journal of my astral projections which I then began tracking daily things to realize what may be helping or hindering natural astral projections. Here are my findings, I hope that it may help some:

- Strict Veganism:

I don't want this to be a debate on the ethics of veganism, but I have found that when I switched over to a strict vegan diet that I began feeling less dense, and astral projection came more naturally. I noticed also that meat and dairy seemed to tie me down to the physical a bit more. I know there's a metaphysical theory that factory farm animals flesh are drenched with the energy and hormones of fear, anger and suffering from their treatment, and this may have something to do with it. I've found the best results when my diet tends to revolve around organic raw food, particularly fruit. This isn't meant as preaching, this is just what I've found.

- No Fluoride / Aluminum

I've found that after taking fluoride out of my diet completely that this has also increased the amount that I astral project. This includes going to a natural fluoride free toothpaste, not drinking tap water (it's fluoridated here in the US) and switching to aluminum free deodorant. I've read that this may be due to the fact that fluoride may cause calcification of the pineal gland.

- Hydration

I've found that drinking tons of hydration has helped me as well. It makes me feel more conductive as well. Jung believed that water was the element of the collective unconscious. I tend to feel more "electrical" when I drink enough un-fluoridated water to stay very hydrated.


- I've found monoatomic gold works freaking wonders as well, though I rarely take this.


- I've found that when I wear or work with certain crystals an OBE/Astral Projection is more likely. The ones I've noticed a pattern with are Moldavite, Herkimer Diamonds, Labradorite and Rainbow Fluorite.


- I've found that I astral project more if I have plenty of sleep, especially if there's a lot of naps involved throughout the day. My theory is that a lot of dreams that aren't lucid are a sort of decompression of the day and working issues out. The more you sleep, the less you need to do this and the more success I've found at leaving my body.

What are some patterns you've noticed in your daily life when it comes to astral projection?