View Full Version : electric shock in dream

8th June 2013, 05:38 PM
Help me understand this please.

Background ....the day is hot so my feet were very warm. Its daytime and there is a lot of noise outside. My hubby purchased a lawnmower as the old petrol one was smoking a lot.

I am dreaming a long dream and can only remember the last bit clearly. I am holding shoes that are powered by petrol and electricity. They are faulty and I go to try them out so I plug them in. My hubby expresses his concern but I go ahead anyway. There is a loud bang and I feel a bolt of electricity at my feet. I know I am okay but I exit the room to check in a mirror if my hair has been burnt. I return saying to my partner that I definitely have gotten a shock as I can feel my feet tingle. I am feeling a bit light headed and am slightly annoyed that hubby is showing no concern. I go to the bathroom for a wee. When I am sitting down I realise that the shoes are on my feet and lighting up. I get a real fright and I remove them carefully but quickly and feel the need to exit the bathroom in case they explode. I remember thinking imagine if this how I go...killed while having a wee! Funny but I was so nervous I woke up.

Any ideas?. The shock was intense but could have been related to outside noise.

8th June 2013, 10:36 PM
Did you feel anything after you woke up? There are a lot of symbolic possibilities, but if I were going to guess I'd guess that you were having some sort of feeling in the area of your feet (vibrations?) and you turned the sensation into a dream.

9th June 2013, 03:16 AM
I've had the same thing happen to me four times in my life. One was In a double dream where I thought I was getting possessed. It is strange though that it only happens in my mom's room. My sister also is scared of that room too. Shocks when I wake.

9th June 2013, 10:48 PM
Did you feel anything after you woke up? There are a lot of symbolic possibilities, but if I were going to guess I'd guess that you were having some sort of feeling in the area of your feet (vibrations?) and you turned the sensation into a dream.

That's what I thought too. Energy body stuff going on that morphed into a dream.

10th June 2013, 07:22 PM
You might be right about the energy stuff. I didn't have any sensations after I woke so maybe it was vibrations. I wonder why they were only in my feet though? Anyhow I'm not going to read into it too much. I have a tendency to over think such events.
Thanks guys.