View Full Version : soul eaters and eternity?

7th June 2013, 09:10 PM
Gday Robert! I met someone who is very talented at projection. She even comes over to my house and I can literally feel her. We have done experiments etc. Just learned she classifies herself as a soul eater... She said she does this to survive (she's a blood vamp in the physical?) But in the non physical she actually eats souls... And when she eats them they literally blip out of existence. Robert is this true? I dont believe it but its kind of getting to me. I'd like to think we are eternal. We may change a lot but we will never die as conciousness. It bothers me to hear what she said. I would have thought nothing of it but this girl is super talented... I just didn't know she classified herself as a demon... She is also new age which I am not. Just wanted to ask you Robert. Your YouTube videos taught me to project so who better to ask!

Robert Bruce
8th June 2013, 07:17 AM
People like this are best avoided, as they will bring problems into your life.

She has a huge ego and, in many ways, is like a child 'dressing up' and pretending to be someone important....when in fact she is just a child.

As for Soul eating...what is a Soul? That must be defined first.

I do not believe that any entity is capable of swallowing a Soul in the sense that it destroys a person's spiritual body so that person ceases to exist.

However, a vampire can drain life energy from persons and that can be damaging. But this is a different matter, psychic vampires.

You must consider your Higher Self, which is a part of you and never leaves you. This is your divine aspect and for all intents and purposes IS Source/God. So I do not think that a silly girl playing dress up is much or a threat here.
