View Full Version : Next Animal: A Centipede

6th June 2013, 07:32 PM
I am currently starting a zoo here now, it seems. 8)

After the polar bear there's now another one with an interesting interpretation given to me:

I am in my "Lightportal" - my "holy" (astral) inner sanctum so to speak - and am chasing a centipede who is crawling (very fast!) across the walls. I might then have succeeded in crushing it as I remember bits of pieces of it on the floor before waking up.

Again, as in the case with the polar bear, I did not know the meaning and was taken by surprise:

To see a centipede in your dream suggests that you are letting your fears and doubts hinder you from making progress and achieving your goals. You need to stop thinking negative thoughts.
Source: www . dreammoods.com/cgibin/dreamdictionarysearch.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=centipede

(link broken due to copyright breach complaint - RB)

Another very similar interpretation:

To dream of a centipede implies that you don’t have faith in your ability to attain your objectives. You are not allowing yourself to be successful. You must learn to be more positive and optimistic.

Source: www . aboutdreaminterpretation.com/centipedes/

(link broken deliberately due to copyright breach complaint. RB)

Of course, I am trying to manifest a lot now. I also recently again tried to "moneyfest" in order to avoid a boring regular job which I would need to finance for my future practice (as healer), but so far failed.

If the centipede represents fears and doubts about this (financial, career) success, then what did I achieve by killing it? Did I remove my doubts and fears? Or does it tell me I should try again?

Moreover, I remembered now that this experience here of mine from November of last year (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Sinera-s-Lucidiary&p=117224#post117224) could also mean the same thing as it seemingly was the same millipede which I tried to remove then. So was it about negative thoughts / doubts / fears of failure?

The creature is a mix of a VERY long tapeworm/caterpillar/millipede. It's really long, as I draw it out I still feel it moving down in my torso too, so it takes a while. It then somehow snaps off (or did I bite it off?). I throw it on the bathroom floor then and try to smash it with a nearby bucket. Then, to my dismay, I realise my fear came true and there is still some of it inside, it seems to grow back somehow.

I'm sure many here have had their 'bug' dreams, but did anyone who reads this have a specific centi/milli-pede one and knew what it meant? Thanks for any insights.

8th June 2013, 03:28 PM
It sounds to me like you found an animal totem. As with your polar bear, this centipede can and will help you with your spiritual and psychological pursuits, perhaps more actively than you think now.

Animal totems, Sinera, have a way of being obstinate when you first discover them. That is, they will attack or run away or cause problems, or whatever their inherent defense mechanism is in real life, making it harder for you to work with them. But once you learn to gain their respect, they will help you and guide you. I am currently working with one of my totems in dreams and he is a very active and cognitive being, so to say. So congrats! You found an animal spirit guide! I've never worked with a centipede before, but next time observe him.

Your killing him was obviously the best thing for you to do at the moment, otherwise you wouldn't have done it. Next time you see him, try something else, like capturing him somehow. Meditate on him and he will recur in your dreams.

Good luck!


8th June 2013, 04:07 PM
I have had several "small" animals in my dream´s the lattest was a spider with very blue eye´s and I was begging it to sit on a white sheet of paper but it did jump down and crawled into my neck and it was so parlysing so I did awake me from the dream, and I did have a worm or a small snake who did go to my throat not from my mouth but from the front of my neck..I think these small animals are much to tell about our fear or then some kind of dissapointment, we maby want big and fansy animals to occure in our dream´s and then we end up with these small one´s...haha....

I would sure bean afraid and in total paralysed fear if I had met a centipede :shock:

So to dare to look closer at them might make us grow methinks...


8th June 2013, 08:27 PM
It sounds to me like you found an animal totem. As with your polar bear, this centipede can and will help you with your spiritual and psychological pursuits, perhaps more actively than you think now.

Animal totems, Sinera, have a way of being obstinate when you first discover them. That is, they will attack or run away or cause problems, or whatever their inherent defense mechanism is in real life, making it harder for you to work with them. But once you learn to gain their respect, they will help you and guide you. I am currently working with one of my totems in dreams and he is a very active and cognitive being, so to say. So congrats! You found an animal spirit guide! I've never worked with a centipede before, but next time observe him.

Your killing him was obviously the best thing for you to do at the moment, otherwise you wouldn't have done it. Next time you see him, try something else, like capturing him somehow. Meditate on him and he will recur in your dreams.

Good luck!

Honestly I shiver at the thought of meeting this creature again. I hope it's not a totem animal. I'd go for the nice and fluffy ice bear instead if you'd ask me. ;)

9th June 2013, 06:07 PM
Haha, you know what, you may be right. Now that I looked it up, I don't think a centipede is a totem. Nevertheless, you got rid of it. I guess try to find parallels and associations that occurred in the dream with the bug to find messages. Just my guess.

Have fun,

9th June 2013, 10:46 PM
Eh....I strongly advise against believing what some book tells you your dreams mean. After all they are YOUR dreams, not the dreams of the author of that book, and s/he has no idea what your dreams mean. Only YOU know that.

Suggested reading that will really help you out with this: Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss. GREAT book that will get the concepts across.

10th June 2013, 07:26 PM
Eh....I strongly advise against believing what some book tells you your dreams mean. After all they are YOUR dreams, not the dreams of the author of that book, and s/he has no idea what your dreams mean. Only YOU know that.

Suggested reading that will really help you out with this: Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss. GREAT book that will get the concepts across.

Thanks for the book. I will check it out. Actually I do not take every dream symbol explanation (in a book or internet site) for granted. However, I always wonder how some of them make perfect sense.

I indeed do have already my "own" portfolio of symbols developped, which I believe to be a mode of communiation and messages from my Higher Self (between my HS and me, so to speak). These are things that might mean completeley different things to s.o. else then.

However, there's also some nice reverse causality now taking place, although it's of course just a hypothesis. I assume that my HS or subconscious now "knows" that I like/tend to look up (later) some meanings from my experiences, especially on this website "Dreammoods" and thus it might choose some symbols accordingly. It's just a hunch though, of course.

Then, there's some "universal" symbology which I believe to be really part of our human collective subconcious. To give an easy example: a white dove for bringer of peace. Of course, even these can always be over-ridden by a personal re-interpretation if it makes sense from one's personal life (past).

Kurt Leland writes on this a few times in his Dream Interpretation Crash Course. Here's an example:

The personal aspect of dream imagery should override anything you've read about what a dream image means. For example, my grandmother once pointed to an apple tree in bloom and said, "We planted an apple tree everywhere we lived. That's seven apple trees."

A dream dictionary might say that a blossoming fruit tree refers to one's blossoming sexuality (where the possibility of bearing fruit is seen as a symbol of fertility). My grandmother was in her nineties when she pointed out the apple tree. If she had told me of a dream of apple trees, it wouldn't have represented blossoming sexuality, but the history of her life.

SOURCE: http://www.kurtleland.com/dream-interpretation/crash-course/72-vi-dream-symbolism

So yes, we need to be careful and not just adopt immediately any meaning, especially if they do not make sense and would over-write other more apt meanings (derived from a personal experience base). Still, as written above, I like to be playful and thus be 'playing around' with Dreammoods and "official" interpretations of certain symbology. And indeed, sometimes I get really surprised what comes up, it's fun! And it can be helpful in many cases where I could not decipher any meaning of the symbol for me personally before. So it really COULD be a kind of communication between me and my HS or my guides or the Larger Consciousness System. Could. I don't know for sure of course.

As said, I'm playful a lot. :-)

20th June 2013, 03:33 PM
I'm sorry I'm awful late on this, but when I first saw the title of the thread my thoughts went to the segmented nature of a centipede. It is much like a train, made of many segments all the same except the engine and caboose.

So I'm thinking of connections, and I see you are making plenty :).

20th June 2013, 06:51 PM
I'm sorry I'm awful late on this, but when I first saw the title of the thread my thoughts went to the segmented nature of a centipede. It is much like a train, made of many segments all the same except the engine and caboose.

So I'm thinking of connections, and I see you are making plenty :).
too many perhaps, I admit I do have a "hyper-connectivity inclination" when it comes to linking dots :wink: