View Full Version : Mose's shining face

3rd June 2013, 02:46 PM
Dear Sir...

There is a version about appearance of Mose at time of his descent from Sinai Mount top carrying with him Ten Commandments Tablets. Testimonials related to this event talk about his "shining face".

¿Can aura increase its brightness enough to become visible by using normal physical sight?
¿Or could people, after years of life at Sinai Desert become clairvoyant?

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
8th June 2013, 07:22 AM
An elevated spiritual state can supercharge the aura so that a person appears to 'shine'.

If life in the desert alone could do this, then native desert dwellers must be living gods.

More seriously, self discipline is a part of spiritual work, self denial, fasting, hardship, etc. This works, but there is no special place that is more holy than your own body and mind and life.
