View Full Version : End of the world/ death dreams

Neil Templar
24th May 2013, 11:13 AM
Lately i've had a number of dreams of similar themes - the end of the world scenario, and also a couple in which everyone, or just myself, was preparing to die.

The end of the world. I had a couple about this scenario.
In the one i can remember, i was one of a handful of survivors, and the dream was mainly concerning our interactions. Whether we decided to band together and help one another, or to fight against each other.
I don't remember too much of the actual detail and story now - it was last week sometime, but one point i do remember, is that i met a woman, who wanted to try to procreate with me, but i wouldn't, until i'd made sure my gf wasn't actually alive somewhere...
Could loyalty/sentimentality get in the way of the continuation of the human race?

Preparing to die. I had one where everyone was going to die soon. They all knew it. They were allowed to die in whatever way they saw fit. People were living out their fantasies before their time was up.
Some chose to commit sexual acts with strangers. Others went skydiving. Some made peace with friends they'd lost. Others simply jumped off of tall buildings.

In another, which was later in the same night, i was preparing for my own death.
I found my oldest friend, and my girlfriend.
We all held hands in a circle. I told them how glad i was that they were with me at this time.
We lay down on a huge bean-bag, as i started to weep with happiness.
I felt the strength drain from my physical body, and my breath become shallow.
The breaths became shorter and shorter, and i became still, at peace. Perfectly still. No thoughts, no concerns. Just stillness, and then light.

27th May 2013, 10:44 AM
Death dreams can be treated like the Death card in the Tarot as signifying the end of an era, rather than the literal end of life.

Neil Templar
27th May 2013, 03:26 PM
Death dreams can be treated like the Death card in the Tarot as signifying the end of an era, rather than the literal end of life.

Indeed. That's the way i take them anyway.
I was wondering if anyone else has been having similar experiences at this time, or if this is a personal transition...
I'm sure there must be plenty of others...:shrug:

28th May 2013, 11:24 AM
I just had a run on cleaning and avoiding sh*t dreams :lol:

29th May 2013, 02:15 PM
Neil, I thought you might to hear another, slightly different perspective on dreams other than you have experienced. Almost all my life, lots of people have recounted to me their dreams ("good" or "bad"). Yet I almost always went to sleep and remembered nothing. About the time I became more spiritually aware, I asked my HS to let me remember my dreams. The result was almost immediate! Some of them were so disturbing - involving the witnessing of innocent people suffering - that after a few days I asked my HS to prevent my remembering them.

The theory is that when we dream, we pass into an area of the astral where our consiousness can roam and invent its own fantasies (temporary realities). But whilst we are in the physical, our thoughts are very susceptible and tied to events here on earth. We can imagine all sorts of unlikely and undesirable things.

I agree with the comment of Bee Keeper above. The best way, IMHO, is to concenrate on purifying one's thoughts - meditating and rejecting all stray and unpleasant thoughts. By thinking "bad" thoughts, which we are all as humans prone to do on occasion, we can increase the possibility of something unpleasant happening. Hence I try to concentrate on keeping my thoughts positive and loving, and rejecting those negative ideas which enter my head at times. That's not an easy thing to do!

I know that some believe strongly in the value of dreams and I am not questioning such a point of view. I am merely giving my experience of dreams and another perspective on them - that negativity should be rejected with all the will we have.

I wish you happy dreams! :)

29th May 2013, 02:36 PM
I was wondering if anyone else has been having similar experiences at this time, or if this is a personal transition...

I haven't had a death dream in a long time, but I used to have them a lot when I was in transition.

I have encountered the Angel of Death (Azrael, though there are variations in the spelling; he didn't give me a printed card with his name on it, nor mention death, just told me what the name was) in a vision. That was some years ago, and I'm still alive. He was an escort to somewhere else in the vision (I won't go into what it was because it's deeply personal), but it had nothing at all to do with physical death or dying. It was, as Beekeeper points out, similar to the Death card in the Tarot.

Neil Templar
29th May 2013, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the advice LPCF.
I'm fully aware of how it all works, and i certainly don't see these as negative experiences, or coming from "bad" thoughts, or even being related to my physical life.
Indeed i'm interpreting them as transformational experiences, and definitely representative of personal growth.
However, knowing what state the species is in right now, i was curious as to whether these are indeed simply my own personal energies i'm encountering, or evidence a more wide-spread transformation that is clearly taking place...:)

I am definitely going thru a personal transformation at the moment. My inner experiences and my outer world leave me in no doubt... :)

29th May 2013, 04:52 PM
However, knowing what state the species is in right now
Ah. You assume there is an objective "species" in some sort of objective state. Is there, though, really? (Just something to meditate on. ;))

FWIW, I'm extremely sensitive to that which Jung called the Zeitgeist, that is, the spirit of the times. I tune it out as much as I can because, honestly, I'm not that interested any more (I was once, though). I don't sense any particular worldwide awakening or rebirth, although I would dearly love to see that happen. A Renaissance in my lifetime, how good would that be? But, alas, I'm not sensing that. At least... not yet.... :P

29th May 2013, 08:18 PM
Very interesting, Neil. I likewise think the dream can be interpreted as good, especially if you saw light. Very interesting and I would be excited. I am going through a transition now also and died in a dream about a week ago. Angel Raphael was in the dream later on, but before I saw him, I had taken a hit of marijuana and had gone into a wormhole, then fell into a lake of fire... Needless to say, I will never smoke weed again... But I did see my death as a good dream, even though it was slightly disturbing.

So, yes, I would say your dream is good. Try some core image work and energy building to gain more clarity in your dreams, maybe, is my advice.

Also, I have a question for ButterflyWoman. You said you saw an angel of death, but he didn't give you a card with his name on it... Well, recently, I got a card with some demonic name on it... What exactly does that mean, his giving me the card? It was a long name, stared with a B and had Z's in it. Can't remember it verbatim though. What do you think?

29th May 2013, 10:31 PM
In another, which was later in the same night, i was preparing for my own death.
I found my oldest friend, and my girlfriend.
We all held hands in a circle. I told them how glad i was that they were with me at this time.
We lay down on a huge bean-bag, as i started to weep with happiness.
I felt the strength drain from my physical body, and my breath become shallow.
The breaths became shorter and shorter, and i became still, at peace. Perfectly still. No thoughts, no concerns. Just stillness, and then light.[/QUOTE]

Hi Neil,

This says to me that your at the precipice of a new you, your old friend is your higher self or wise man and your girlfriend is your feminine side now perhaps integrated. You surrender, find peace and see the light. I think this is beautiful and I would say you have done a lot of work on yourself.

31st May 2013, 09:38 AM
If we see a death of someone in a dream it means there will be some problem with that person.

1st June 2013, 12:12 PM
stared with a B and had Z's in it.

Beezlebub, perhaps? Lord of the Flies? (I'm just about ti teach that novel to a class again.)

25th September 2013, 12:58 AM
Lately i've had a number of dreams of similar themes - the end of the world scenario, and also a couple in which everyone, or just myself, was preparing to die.

The end of the world. I had a couple about this scenario.
In the one i can remember, i was one of a handful of survivors, and the dream was mainly concerning our interactions. Whether we decided to band together and help one another, or to fight against each other.
I don't remember too much of the actual detail and story now - it was last week sometime, but one point i do remember, is that i met a woman, who wanted to try to procreate with me, but i wouldn't, until i'd made sure my gf wasn't actually alive somewhere...
Could loyalty/sentimentality get in the way of the continuation of the human race?

Preparing to die. I had one where everyone was going to die soon. They all knew it. They were allowed to die in whatever way they saw fit. People were living out their fantasies before their time was up.
Some chose to commit sexual acts with strangers. Others went skydiving. Some made peace with friends they'd lost. Others simply jumped off of tall buildings.

In another, which was later in the same night, i was preparing for my own death.
I found my oldest friend, and my girlfriend.
We all held hands in a circle. I told them how glad i was that they were with me at this time.
We lay down on a huge bean-bag, as i started to weep with happiness.
I felt the strength drain from my physical body, and my breath become shallow.
The breaths became shorter and shorter, and i became still, at peace. Perfectly still. No thoughts, no concerns. Just stillness, and then light.

Don't Fear The Reaper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Vvqo0x8yok

over half way, 3:40...