View Full Version : Qustioning the need of beliefs in manifestation

22nd May 2013, 09:57 PM

I have had scores of experiences in real life to show that belief actually doesnt matter at all while manifesting.In fact if u have heard the story of swami vivekananda,he was a goddamn atheist but somehow he manifested the advent of sri ramakrishna into his life and went on to become one of the most famous hindu monks.In fact as for my life,I have had numerous occasions when I couldnt study well,gave the most horrible exams without a doubt in mind that there could be no way I could get above 50% nd there were exams where I believed from the way I had given the exam,a decent marks.....the result just the reverse,I scored more than 60% in the exam I feared most nd the xam I gave the best only scored just above 50%.

I was once good in maths.But every time I gave a good exam totally confident after re checking the paper that I would get 100/100 it would fall 12 marks / 5 marks short.In history I hoped nothing just maybe 75/100 and it came out 88/100 nd everybody said like I was better at history than at maths.In fact I hated history like anything.

My sister used to be a goddamn astrology believer,she took all the necessary precautions nd measurements as guided by astrological systems for her marraige.Result-Life threatning Divorce!!!!

At the college social ,I played Drifting by Andy Mckee perfectly.We were absolutely sure friends and enemies alike I would get the first prize because to be honest there was no competition at all for me with the rest.It was cheered and applauded by all the most,everyone affirmed it to be the best performance even I had got my rhythm correct.Result-I get a consolation prize(3rd)...the 1st and 2nd guys they were sitting outside thinking they didnt win it.When they did they were like how??What the hell!!!

To be honest I dont believe at all from my life experiences that belief matters while manifesting.The whole new age stuff is pretty bs and to be honest I have never seen 1 goddamn manifestation occurring where u apply 1)State ur desire 2)Feel it happened 3)Act like it already happened and stay in those happy vibes.

In fact these things have made me much more realistic even at times I believe perhaps that magick and manifestation is a total nonsense and/or pretty truncated process.

I really dont know sir how the things I feared most have fared well in my life and they continue to serve me well even if I fear them for example I had the fear of getting beat up by a mob on the grounds of medical negligence in my hospital as it is very common as the death rate here is quite high.It turned out that though I used to work in total phobia everyday,I got great love from patients and seniors as well.Nothing bad happened though I waited for something bad to happen every single minute!!!

And the things I loved to do,well they didnt get me much ahead in life and had to discard them from time to time.

I really need an explanation into my wierd situation where the conventional standards of manifestation have applied in reverse most of the times.

Will be waiting for ur reply



[Mod Note: Copy of this post/thread available elsewhere for group participation: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?16075-Questioning-the-need-of-beliefs-in-manifestation-%28COPY%29]

Robert Bruce
8th June 2013, 07:03 AM
You can find some good evidence for manifestation if you study the Placebo Effect.

It sounds like your 'inner saboteur' is countering whatever you believe to be true.

There is also the Higher Self to consider, in that often we will try to manifest things that are not on the menu for ones life path.

It is best to start with something small and specific....like manifesting a cup of coffee, and work your way up.
