View Full Version : Astral projecting again : )

22nd May 2013, 10:53 AM
So I have been having a dry spell lately but tried not to worry about it. I AP 6 times this morning although not entirely sure if the last one was in partly in dream state, difficult to tell. The only reason is I saw a friend who said he knew he was projecting and had been doing it since a child and I know this is not true.

The reason I am projecting quite well I believe is that I bought Roberts cd course like map but it's full of energy raising exercises and meditation and deep relaxation. I know this has helped because I was able to start projecting without my body being in paralysis.

I did lay there for a long while but I did the exercise and then got a gentle warm hug come over my body whilst I kept in relaxation mode, then a few pictures and out I flew, straight up to the plane. Also did some RTz too. I highly recommend it.


22nd May 2013, 10:56 AM
Very cool, need to devote more time to energy. Been having flying dreams as of late and a lot of heart activity.

26th May 2013, 04:56 AM
Hello Eyeswideopen.
It is very good to hear that you are able to get OOB again. Sometimes a dry spell between OBEs can last a very LLOOooonngg time. (LOL) I once had a dry spell where I did not have an OBE for nearly 2 years! Hopefully you will have many more OBEs in the next few days and weeks.


26th May 2013, 09:11 AM
Hi Greytraveller,

I found that when I am having obe's I want more, but as I dry up so to speak I tend to forget about them and not miss them so much. If I leave it to spontaneous obe's then I am usually chilled, otherwise I am spending hours and hours in bed practising to be a zombie lol. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesnt. But I am sure just going with the flow and doing the energy work has helped me a lot.


29th May 2013, 08:07 PM
Wow, 6 projections, that's cool! Congrats, they are so much fun. What sort of energy building techniques do you do, I'm interested. Recently, I've been doing core image work, which opens up a lot of 3rd eye space, sets you into a sort of glow, ray kind of mind setting and you might go right into something upon falling asleep.

But how do you do your exercises? Circuit, sub-navel storage?


29th May 2013, 10:16 PM
Well it looks like your far more advanced than I Yoda, as I do not recognise any of those terms. They sound interesting. I have been using the cd's from Robert Bruce's MAP, its not the book. There is five cd's that build you up in relaxation then into trance and I have spontaneously projected whilst playing a cd on repeat. They teach energy exercises too. These include the leg/arm/full body bounce which I use whenever I get five minutes. I work well when I am being guided and have found this really effective. I fell upon all this with spontaneous obe's and had no idea what was happening, so I am still finding my way and find most of the stuff on here interesting but it goes way over my head. Hope your well Yoda

29th May 2013, 11:57 PM
Very cool, I love to hear the energy work is doing well by you! The bounce is cool. I've been doing that. Also, the energy storage thing is just channeling one's energy into one's belly and letting in accumulate there, after pulling it up from your legs.

Best of luck!