View Full Version : Encounter with strange being. Need advise

20th May 2013, 04:37 PM
So I bought a large beautiful labrodoite crystal and I put it in salt for three days then in the sun and under the moon for three days. I wore it inside my bra on my heart chakra for a week or so.

Then I placed on my brow chakra and meditated not much happened but the second time I went into a trance and heard this heavy breathing in my right ear. I thought oh at last some connection, then felt this being on top of me. It had claws and scraped my leg. I managed to throw the stone off my head by tossing my head to one side. I was stil so tired I went to go into a sleep mode again and it felt like a stick scratched me all the way down my left torso.

So I got up and carried on with my day. I was not scared this was not sleep paralysis which I have encountered many times. I no nothing about stones, I read this would help me this type of stone but now I am wondering if this stone is a portal or was it because I put it on my brow chakra?

Any thoughts welcome

20th May 2013, 05:04 PM
I would hate to post any wrong advice here, so I'll keep my teeth together, But good job on not getting scared.;)

20th May 2013, 06:52 PM
Crystals can definitely attract beings, good and bad. It's fair to say this one isn't the best one for you. And yes, very good job on not getting scared. I find my loss of fear is one of my greatest qualities... It's worth thinking about.

I have this saying I go by, "Be careful who you let into your home." Crystals included. They do have the capacity to open doors. I feel crystals are a bit out of my league though. Maybe I will begin using supplements i.e. crystals, once I have a better grasp on my own "crystal" in my brain. Really, I don't think crystals are needed. There's nothing one can't do without a crystal. Nevertheless, they are fun and can activate some interesting things.

20th May 2013, 07:06 PM
Just to provide alternatives: What makes you sure that it was the crystal at all? Maybe it was coincidence and would have happened anyway?

21st May 2013, 09:22 AM
Today thank you great advice, and yes Sinera I can't rule that out. I have been reading that you should ask a crystal if you can work with it as it chooses you. I have no feeling at all from the stone but I am still sleeping with it under my pillow. I have no gut feeling about this, no compass. I will give it more thought.

21st May 2013, 07:18 PM
Today thank you great advice, and yes Sinera I can't rule that out. I have been reading that you should ask a crystal if you can work with it as it chooses you. I have no feeling at all from the stone but I am still sleeping with it under my pillow. I have no gut feeling about this, no compass. I will give it more thought.
I've stopped experimenting with crystals, just have one left under my bedsheet, it's a Schorl, which is said to be the VERY best one to deflect ANY negative energy. So I kept it. The other pendant which I only wear is a body-field improving Q-Link around my neck, (day and night). That's it for me now.

Still, I remember how to 'treat' crystals as I read a lot and tried a lot. You might already know this anyway, but if you bought this as a new one it is maybe advisable to hold / rinse it under lukewarmwater to "de-charge" it from possible bad energies incurred, and then for most crystals you "re-charge" them either by putting them out into the sunlight (not for all) or by "loading" them by contact with e.g. quartz crystals.

You can find a lot of info on how to "treat/prepare" a certain stone with which procedure on many crystal sites. I assume you know this already but I just state this here in case you didn't know.

Moreover, I believe you do not have to ask it, but just hold it in your hand and charge it with your will, maybe that works better - because you're the boss, not the crystal :mrgreen: (just guessing though).

Lucid Quartz
22nd May 2013, 05:39 AM
I can be a huge scaredy cat sometimes and I am sooo happy I have not had to deal with anything of that matter. For me, I always sage my new crystals and even go as far as saging my area before I meditate sometimes. I like to lay down so I completely smoke my bed with it and the smell helps my will and my fear. I actually collect and have a good bunch and I have felt none of them have ever brought to me anything I wouldn't like, I don't see why they would they are useful tools for us to use to me.

24th May 2013, 08:21 AM
I have put it with my rose quartz on the window sill for now. I always smudge with sage every two weeks but I like the idea of smudging before meditation. I am going to continue with this crystal and see how it goes. When I first touched it it was full of vibration, so I will keep cleansing it. I also read that I should put it in my garden in the earth for a week or so. I am sure mother earth would be a good place to start.