View Full Version : Contacting deceased loved ones

14th May 2013, 08:04 PM
I have a friend whose sole desire is to contact her recently deceased husband, in person (i.e., she doesn't want "news" of him, she wants to talk to him herself.) She is strongly considering signing up for the PAPI course as a means of accomplishing this. Is there a better route to what she wants, or is PAPI the best available? She understands that this is not a "follow the rules, get instant results" type of thing, and that she will have to travel the road, so to speak, to reach her destination.

14th May 2013, 08:59 PM
This is a very difficult question- when I did the PAPI I already had the basics down- I had done MAP and had been practicing for a year at least (if not more.) yet there was a lot to learn. So I don't know what she already knows how to do, and how she plans to go about doing it. I do recommend PAPI, but if I was her, I would take a look at the Treatise, all of Robert's videos and scan the forums for more ideas. Then definitely do the PAPI, I'm sure it has changed since I took it, it's been a while. A little manifestation training can't hurt, it's all related.

6th August 2013, 11:30 AM
I agree with CF.

Learning to project can take a little time to get control of, which is different for everyone.

It also depends on "how much" information does she expect to get, and "what type" of communication she expects.

When I first started re connecting with past away friends and family it was mind blowing. But it took me a couple months to get my learning under control.

But what I have learnt along the way is that people you love who have passed away can appear in your dreams, or even sent symbolic images into your mind. This two experiences while they are the easiest to have, they are also the first verified experiences to be labeled as "not real" or "my imagination".

It was only after I had learnt to astral travel regularly and constantly met my loved ones who had past over did I realise how often the communicated with me via dreams and messages.

The fastest way for someone to cannot astral project yet in my opinion is to "ask to talk to the deceased love one" in prayer/affirmation in dreams.

The focus on remember your dreams and whether the loved appeared. If so- this is the real deal of communication.

Hope that helps.



P.S Most likely it will be your personal guide to helps make the connection in your dreams- so expect others to be around in dreams.

6th August 2013, 06:11 PM
IME the easiest way to do this is to practise dream recall, get it to the point where you can remember your dreams in rich detail, then do as dkane suggested. That's what I did and it worked like a charm. Don't expect it all the time though.

7th August 2013, 12:06 AM
Bruce Moen teaches people how to contact the deceased in two day workshops. Not as intense or vivid as AP but it definitely works. He has a few books, I highly recommend his Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook.


PAPI is a worthwhile undertaking too, don't get me wrong :)

7th August 2013, 12:51 AM
Yeh Bruce Moens stuff is great.

Website could do with a little work- but his books are awesome-read them all twice when I first started.

12th August 2013, 01:47 PM
I have to add a bit of caution; there are numerous entities that are ready, willing and able to step in and PRETEND to be your deceased loved one. It is very difficult to know the difference but one thing is true; once a person has crossed over he/she will be quite busy learning the ropes, so to speak, and do not be sad because the lost love has moved on. It is important to come to grips with this natural fact.

There IS a small window I think shortly after the death of the loved one when contact may be made. I was violently upset when my Aunty pass away and shortly after in a dream she called me on the phone. She chatted on in her old familiar way and I knew she was fine.

30th August 2013, 10:56 PM
It's true that negs can imitate a loved one, but again, IME if you have a very close bond with the deceased to the point where you'll recognise their specific energy then negs will find perfect imitation impossible. They can imitate the appearance, etc but they cannot copy the exact same energy.

It happened to me a lot in the first few years of my neg attachment hell. But I always spotted the mistakes the neg made.

I don't agree that the newly deceased are always too busy to make contact. At first the contact can be quite weak, but it doesn't make sense at all to say they're too busy to make contact, given the nature/ability of spirit. I believe it's a choice. And when we grieve or are emotional, it can be very difficult for contact to be established.

30th August 2013, 11:45 PM
How's Bruce Moen's method different from MAP in terms of connecting with deceased loved ones? I just started the MAP program and would love to connect with some friends/family.

31st August 2013, 04:33 PM
MAP is a guide to teach you to have an OBE. Moen's techniques are what you do after you learn to project and are looking for a possible activity, such as retrievals.
Moen teaches you to recognize what level you're in and what to do afterwards. Or at least from the books that I've read from him.