View Full Version : Gentle Elementals

Neil Templar
14th May 2013, 05:11 PM
This was last week..

I found myself on an open grassland, on a wide hill. There were lots of animals around, all seemingly hanging around three large animals.
As i approached them, i recognised the three as the elementals i've engaged many times before...this time however, they seemed different.
they were in the form of dogs, or wolves. Two were white, and one, larger, was white/grey in colour.

I walked slowly towards them, conscious in my mind of previous interactions with them where they had been aggressive, or needed to be gotten under control somehow...
but this time felt different...

I got within a few paces of the closest one, and sent out a telepathic thought to it. It wasn't a worded communication tho, but an image i sent - that of myself extending a closed fist for it to smell, a means of introducing myself to it, like i would when meeting a wary dog for the first time.
I sent a feeling of friendliness and safety with the image.
In response, the big white dog looked at me, as did the other white one.
Then together they began to transform. Growing larger, their coats grew whiter and longer, until they were giant white wolves. Their white coats continued to grow longer and whiter, getting brighter until they were glowing white beings.
As i watched this transformation take place, i felt an emanation of gentle, peaceful loving energy coming from these three beings.
The brightness grew until i couldn't make out the shape of the animals, then lessened, allowing me to see what they had become.
The two white ones had become massive lions, white manes flowing around their heads.
I looked to see the other larger one, it had become a huge white tiger with black/grey stripes, sitting atop the grassy hill, surrounded by all these other animals, none of which i could really identify. I feel like there were birds and antelope, African plains-type animals, but they were made insignificant by the energy of these three white beings, sitting silently at peace, looking at me with love in their eyes.
I sat on the grass by them, knowing all was well..

15th May 2013, 02:35 PM

This vision bodes well. the third creature, grey wolf -black/grey striped tiger, is You. some might see this as "omg i am greatness". but to be sure, such a vision is of a smallness well kept. these white wolves (wolf|flow) are two flows that converge...Y.

creation up to man, is the mentations of creator. ele-mental, two kingdoms e and e, well met l. L - Gimel - Ushtra - Light. these two of a bond, that bond light. this is why they revealed themselves ultimately as light beings...say angels.

man first conceived, wherein all which followed, as creation, for man's birth into (mangered). this is why it is said, that man is two, that within man is creation - the conceived, and that man is within creation birthed.

aleph-beit-gimel-dalet-hey; on 5 is life. to say that dalet the door was that which walked through hey. HEY! Look see, Behold!


okaY...Hey or simply He, of that which within him first is (the conceived), names. or to say, there is the life and there is that which lives the life.

after HeY come VaV.


conceptualization of VaV...


notice this line of word in the link: "Proportions in relationship to the human body were used in their design, as they were in many other structures in Indian architecture."

note: "repugnant" derivations of this VaV would be as a pyramid, wherein man idealizes himself(man) as God or that which of idolatry dictates thru the power of belief into that which is worship-able-eyezed; not unlike the story of tower of Babel...etc. anti-life as well as anti-that which lives the life. castigation - caste structured

but, this happened all over the world in a simulataneous event. oral history of say, the Cherokee Nation reveals the tribal sect of preisthood which took such power over other tribal entities, to the point wherein the other tribal sects perforce utterly destroyed the entirety of their preisthood sect.

mankind yet practices such, as it dissects the stepped-ness of what is human nature/creation/Creator, into it's parts and parcels. this instead of realizing the wholeness which within we are held up, and from within our human nature upholds.

for from within is it beheld, even as from without it is ours to behold.

why all this that i share with you Neil. because your vision bodes well.

two flows in harmony, that harmony as You.

tis humbling brother, never meant toward the exaltation of derivative dissection of our divine economy, be it as conceived or created (human nature...et all).

why? well because, THAT which lives cannot of derivatives be dissected; for it is beyond what entered into would reveal.

the Neil which lives, is by notice thru his vision, THAT he is well met from within and to being within, of YV.

now brother, east and west meet [aye, north and south meet] +; therefore, one must look see of tav-shin-resh-qoph-tsade-pey; just as above.

VaV and PeY.....yep.

it's all about being well met brother, emphasis on the word 'well'.

as irony would have it, the divine economy would also call payday, the eagle has landed.

yet, humanly, it is good to see one's reflection in the mirror as well met, with narry a care beyond that, that twixt the two is peace.

bicur-rent. i suppose that on payday the rent is due, if within the economy the bicur is to remain true, or to say, living within their means.

means not to an end, but rather in it's rightful beginness, one day at a time. The Lord's Prayer guides therein.

always pay the rent on time, keep your place better than you found it, having woken up beyond the old man who thought, conceived of an ill notion, that he were a prisoner instead of that which lives the life.

Life is always and in all ways, a most glorious day. meet the day well Neil.

or the short of it, keep on loving Neil, even when he stumbles, or seems to have stalled out. intake requires time for digestion brother, so let there be spaces in your love that allow love to prosper in your place.

lovers need their space, lest such a miracle be smothered out of the body where two reside as one - whole.

gentle cannot but BE revealed to gentle, as it were, that gentle is the welcome mat for gentle's arriving notice.

so it begins with You, even as it had seemed as a bitter ending to be as you...the old man.

in the world of birds, what our human eye sees as black, to the birds is seen as brilliant neon white. tis how an owl sees in the dark, and is blind by day.

don't get lost in the dissection of things, thou art not a thing, and neither is there things from that which lives, for all is living.

so, not of things, but rather of living the life, life very much is all about us arrayed, and within us first as array-abled. so a child asks, mommy what is that flying about? mommy says, that is a bird. the child says, biiiirrrrdd.

what if mommy said to the child, "I do not know", then the child said, "Mommy, i think i shall call that Bird", and Mommy says, "Bird it is then".

the inner and the ain't, ya see. the makins for a real head turning life in deeds.

so, ya got your VaV twixt two NuNs then. Happy nunness Neil. ee=i

in the sense of iou, tis merely the rent brother which is owed; gratitude, remembrance of and to, humility within a smallness wherein greatness gently dwells. God works gently in the hearts of His children. Honor thy Mother, for it is enough that She bore You.

eVe; eVaVe; tis from the center Ave goin out, and coming hOMe.


Ave Maria: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgxfthPHTwc

Your's Beloved, as well as Your Beloved,

Brothers of the Wind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY7nu4ywgSs

MuseEQ10; or simply eE=i. be the i, be the light of your life well lived. otherwise the l is as a wall, if in deeds the i doth not of a flickering fed also shed light. bicur-rent, ya see. the real iQ, of a recognition that intelligence is well beyond that which reveals as life for the living.

Crumblin' Down: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxSlYdIYQ7E

Paper and Fire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myo9wXrNUP4


p.s. the music and songs convey the emotion, whereas text alone conveys emotionless textuality.