View Full Version : major throat center blockage

10th May 2013, 10:08 PM
Hey Robert I was hoping you could provide some guidance in dealing with a blockage I have in my throat center. After doing secondary and tertiary energy work and circuits for a few weeks, I started doing primary center work and after one such session I noticed that there was a lingering pressure over my throat center. Fast forward almost a week later and this pressure is still there sometimes very intensely, and feels almost like a choking sensation and feels as though my breathing is restricted even though its not. I believe there is a major blockage there and am trying to find an effective method of removing it.

I have for the most part backed off energy work over the last week and also got a qlink, both of which didn't help to the degree that I had hoped they would. I am planning to see a doctor this coming week to rule out anything physical as well.

Thank you for all your hard work, its been a truly life changing experience for me starting up with regular energy work.

Robert Bruce
8th June 2013, 06:35 AM
It is most likely that what you are experiencing are Chakra Growing Pains, and not blockages per se.

The pressure, choking sensation, etc, are related to the heart and throat chakras slowly awakening.

Time and regular meditation and energy work will help.
