View Full Version : Second International Global Future 2045 Congress

9th May 2013, 04:21 AM
Dear Sir...

¿What is your opinion related to concepts from "Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon" (http://www.2045.com/articles/31277.html)?

¿Do the goals of "2045 Strategic Social Initiative" Seem reliable/realistic or will their materialistic essence undermine its expected success?

¿Does this match well with your views of a brilliant future for Earth?

Ref.: http://gf2045.com/

My best regards,

Robert Bruce
20th May 2013, 01:18 AM
The ideas given in this letter are laudable.

Our civilization needs to move to a Type 1, for sure.

Something like 'The Venus Project' needs to be realized. http://www.thevenusproject.com/#

However, given the current climate in the world, Avatar technology will likely first be used for war. The perfect soldiers.

They are already doing this, in a sense, with drone aircraft.

And they already have enhanced mechanical suits for military use. The 'Terminator' scenario is becoming a reality.

There is also the population issue to deal with. So any kind of immortality is likely to be only for the elite.

Humanity needs to seriously wake up and remove corruption from our world. Until that happens, until we have the political will to do this, we will likely keep repeating the errors of the past.

At some point, however, it will become too painful to not enforce real change.

The Internet is key to making this happen.

While we are a type Zero civilization at present, we do have a Type One communication system...the Internet. This is the only thing that has the potential to create real beneficial change in our world. So guard it and use it well.


14th October 2022, 12:12 PM
Viendo c?mo evoluciona el problema principal de ?stos ?ltimos tres a?os, ?c?mo dir?a usted que est? siendo implementada la soluci?n a la cuesti?n ra?z?

La cuesti?n ra?z se puede expresar como la convergencia de

Poluci?n ambiental
Extinci?n especies
Expoliaci?n de recursos naturales
Pol?tica internacional con riesgo de soluci?n nuclear
Ausencia de objetivos globales abordados en forma coordinada

Lo saludo muy atentamente.