View Full Version : Ah..ha. Now I understand why you all love dreaming!

4th May 2013, 05:51 PM
I have never been interested in lucid dreaming. I have on occasion become aware that I was dreaming and was able to alter events, for example, once I was being chased and consciously made the perpetrator go off in a different direction. Interesting but so what?

But then two days ago I had the most amazing lucid dream and now I understand why it such a big deal to you all.

I was woken up too early and was struggling to get back to sleep. I start to dose off when I begin to wonder if I had left my pet rabbit out. I start to worry because the neighbour's cat hunts him. Then I become aware that I haven't gotten up yet and so I must be dreaming. I go outside and there are two rabbits in the garden and that confirms I am dreaming. A child appears and I touch her face. It feels so real. I can't believe it. I look around for something to do before I wake up. I decide to snoop in my neighbours house. Lol. I go in and of course my mind runs wild. The house is huge inside. I pass a lady cooking at the stove. She sees me but says nothing. It's a bit eerie but quite satisfying to know that she is there because of my imagination. I wander around the house and noting how real it all feels I begin to contemplate the best way to identify which reality I may be in in the future. I see a window which is positioned in a ridiculous place and I tell myself to look out for anomalies in the environment. I wake up. Nothing extraordinary about the dream but God it felt so real and I was in control. Amazing stuff.

4th May 2013, 06:28 PM
aww shucks !, they call us dream fanatics now do they ?:cool:.

8th May 2013, 11:56 AM
It amazes me how many people hear the word 'dream' and simply shut down. Like I had said something politically incorrect. I always say if a person is not invested in his dream life, he is only living part of his life and missing the best part. :)

8th May 2013, 12:00 PM
It amazes me how many people hear the word 'dream' and simply shut down.

I have noticed that blank stare a few times, now i'm rather more selective with who I tell.

3rd August 2013, 11:47 PM
I have never been interested in lucid dreaming. I have on occasion become aware that I was dreaming and was able to alter events, for example, once I was being chased and consciously made the perpetrator go off in a different direction. Interesting but so what?

But then two days ago I had the most amazing lucid dream and now I understand why it such a big deal to you all.

I was woken up too early and was struggling to get back to sleep. I start to dose off when I begin to wonder if I had left my pet rabbit out. I start to worry because the neighbour's cat hunts him. Then I become aware that I haven't gotten up yet and so I must be dreaming. I go outside and there are two rabbits in the garden and that confirms I am dreaming. A child appears and I touch her face. It feels so real. I can't believe it. I look around for something to do before I wake up. I decide to snoop in my neighbours house. Lol. I go in and of course my mind runs wild. The house is huge inside. I pass a lady cooking at the stove. She sees me but says nothing. It's a bit eerie but quite satisfying to know that she is there because of my imagination. I wander around the house and noting how real it all feels I begin to contemplate the best way to identify which reality I may be in in the future. I see a window which is positioned in a ridiculous place and I tell myself to look out for anomalies in the environment. I wake up. Nothing extraordinary about the dream but God it felt so real and I was in control. Amazing stuff.

..... C00L 8):mrgreen:x