View Full Version : More Kundalini Questions

25th April 2013, 06:25 PM
Hello Robert. I just want to ask a little more questions.

1. Will I die or have a near death experience the first time I raise kundalini? I read you had died from shock, but had an OBE with some ascended masters.

2. Are the words of creation you are talking about in another post like the ones put in the book Key to the True Kabbalah by Franz Bardon? It says in the book you merge with Unity which is like the 10th step in IIH.

3. How much is your Kundalini program going to cost? I want to be ready to buy it straight from the newsletter I get to my email.

Robert Bruce
28th April 2013, 03:54 AM
1. I do not know what will happen to you. My experience was extreme, but I have taught people who have succeeded at live workshops and most have fairly gentle kundalini rising. My experiences give me great experience in knowing what to do and what not to do...and what works and what does not work.

2. Yes and no.

3. I'm not sure what the cost will be. Probably similar to Astral Projection Mastery. You may be able to buy it early at a discount. Check the newsletter and website over the next few weeks as I expect my manager will make some 'special offers' available.

be well, robert

28th April 2013, 08:12 AM
Thanks and I will be on the lookout for that newsletter!