View Full Version : follow up on night vision with belly breathing

18th April 2013, 05:04 PM
Hey Rob.

Latel I've been haing some issues focusing, I found deepening my breath help but sometimes it stranes my neck and diaphram. I checked back with your book "astral dynamics about belly breathing to calm the surface thoughts. I was wondering though...

...since I normaly do deep/belly breathing at night and put my full attention on my breath, would this interphere with the night vision techque you showed me before? the one about being in little/no light and seeing movment through closed eye lids.

does the night vision trick you showed me need to be done with more attention of can I do both of them at the same time?


P.S. can I also do the energy storage while doing belly breathing as well? I mean without it taking my attention away from focusing on my breath?

do you know any other calming/relaxation exercies for calm the mind?

Robert Bruce
25th April 2013, 09:16 AM
Belly breathing is very gentle. It is simply to focus on the rise and fall of the belly as you breathe. No straining or deep breathing are necessary.

No preparation are required for body awareness image viewing. Just close your eyes, take a couple of breaths to settle, and begin.

You can do other things while observing yourself if you want to. Try it and see. But full attention is best.

Nose tip breathing is a variation. Just focus on the air passing by the tip of your nose as you breathe.

You can also focus on feeling and hearing your heart beat, and on feeling and hearing other internal noises.


29th April 2013, 03:14 AM
I don't know why, but while I have done three types of breathing focus, belly, nose tip and the spot in the back of my throat. there seems to be a odd tension in those spots.

when I breath on the tip of my nose, after a while my nostrils feel dry and sore, like I'm breathing in cold air. when I did some belly breathing my diaphram felt sore, and when I did the last one my throat felt like I had alot of conjestion.

I''m not sure what causes this, I'd resolved to simply stay focused dispite the 'physical distractions'

do you think im putting so much attention on these areas that he become "over charged"?

P.S. who/what or where can I locate some masters on the astral to help me advance with my practice?

thanks Rob

Robert Bruce
30th April 2013, 05:32 AM
Try moving your focus slightly out from the tip of your nose.

alternative, focus on the middle of your forehead, or on your heartbeat

you can also try focusing on the feeling of your lungs moving

another way is to focus on a light brushing action on your feet, toes to heels.

Also try alternating your focus, moving from one area to another
