View Full Version : Different Vehicles, and Unusual Weather.

Neil Templar
9th April 2013, 04:31 PM
Many of my recent experiences are leading me to believe i'm exploring new ground (a higher sub-plane perhaps? Oliver, any thoughts?)... This one from last night..

I find myself driving in a small car-like vehicle. Very similar to my go-kart i had when i was a kid, except this is powered, rather than peddled. It feels like some kind of electric golf-kart... a small one-man vehicle, a bit limited in it's potential. It moves a bit slowly for my liking. It isn't powerful enough, and doesn't seem to have a very efficient suspension system, or the right tyres for going off-road, or dealing with any bumps in the road i am beginning to encounter...

I am going along a dirt/gravel road, which hugs the coast, overlooking the sea. It is very similar to a road i know on the outskirts of my hometown. A road that leads to the beach, where i used to ride my bike as a child, on my way to off-road adventures in the wooded estate of a local Lord's House.

I follow the road along to a high point that juts out and has a 270 degrees view of the sea.
Here i meet someone i know. A woman i have known for many years, with whom i am currently involved in a friendship/business relationship.

She has a house there, by the sea. It has open grounds, grassy hills surrounded by woodland at the back.
Her Husband is there too. He is working in the grounds, tending to the trees and gardens. (He is a gardener in real life too!)

There is someone else here too, but they remain invisible to me. I am aware of some kind of interaction with this energy, but it is during a short almost asleep/dreaming-like moment that happens...
I kind of slip into a grey otherwhere for a minute, and i know something happens, then i am back where i was a moment before, and cannot remember what has just taken place.
Then, as my awareness returns, i find that i am kissing the woman, and i have a moment of embarrassment, and i apologise, knowing she is married. She just says, "don't be silly!", but i am very aware that her Husband is nearby, and they are friends of mine, and i really don't want to upset anyone.
She just laughs again, and i relax.

Then she says i should take cover, as a storm is coming...
I decide to make my way back home. I am again in my little vehicle, and start to head across the grass, but the vehicle has problems on the bumpy ground... and i start to get sand in my eyes. It's a sand storm. As i look out over the water, i can clearly see the huge cloud of sand engulfing everything. My vehicle is having real problems, getting clogged up with sand.

I get out of it, and ask if i can use on of the couple's vehicles, of which there are a few sitting around the grounds.
I see they have a proper off-road beach-buggy type down by the road.
They tell me to help myself, so i do.
On the seat i find a pair of goggles and a scarf to cover my face. I put these on and am comfortable in this ever thickening cloud of swirling sand... I drive off back towards the road. The fat tyres and hefty suspension on this new vehicle easily dealing with the surface and the sand storm.
I'm enjoying bouncing around over the humps and bumps, having fun driving.
As i head back onto the road and back towards home, i come out of the storm, into the sunlight.
I stop and look back the way i've come. I see the massive sand-cloud moving off down the coast towards to open sea... I think for a moment, how unusual this is, being the first sand storm i've ever heard of here.
I also spend a moment thinking about my friend, and her prediction of the storm, and i wonder what else she knows, and could teach me?...

10th April 2013, 01:25 PM
Yes, Neil, this sounds like an 'initiatory' dream - the couple being your guides. Do you have a 'wonderful' feeling about it? I always do after similar encounters with teachers. It marks a 'station' along the way - or so that's how I see it.
And yes, Oliver would love this one. Where is he, anyway?!

11th April 2013, 12:04 AM
Dreams are incredible. Keeping cool in heavy storms, I think, is a common thing to experience in a dream. I've had that a few times--once, there were three huge tornadoes in the distance, and I noticed my glasses were outside, so I went out and got them. I think it does mean some kind of correction in course, or the exploring of a new area.

Also, I've had dreams of driving a vehicle and it being a portal into the astral (my theory)--I met someone there from whom I was going to acquire a horse, and he was telling me about his family lineage.

You're on the right track, Neil, especially if the woman and her husband seemed vital.


Neil Templar
16th April 2013, 03:17 PM
Ooh, this is interesting...

Sandstorms in Scotland.:shock: