View Full Version : Real-time projections x Energetic work

5th April 2013, 02:58 PM
(English is not my primaru language)

Hi Robert,

I would like you explain some point that until now I was unable to understand, because you told about only quickly in your books.

-Talking about Real-time zone projectors, you tell that you spend some years only in real-time, unable to acess the astral planes.

-In other point of you book you explain as the energy body has a important part in the time that we can remain in real-time zone, and I suppose that you discovered better ways of working with the energy system after several years.

So, joining this two points in one problem: Real –time projections x energetic work :

When you are beginning in astral projection and were spending all you time in the real-time zone, you were, or you weren’t doing energy practices? And if no, after some years when you were doing them and at same time you were able to enter in the astral planes, the energy practices shouldn’t had the adverse effect of maintain you more time in real-time zone? Or the energy practices empower you to both astral projections situations?

I ask this because in my first month projecting I had some projections in real-time zone, but after some sis months it is each time more an more rare I find myself in real-time ( I don’t practice yet the energetic work) . I am supposing that happened some energetic alteration in me after several months projecting. So, how much time of energy work do you think that a person should do daily to pass the maximum time possible in real-time when projected?

Thank you for any help in this matter,
Sandro- from Brazil

Robert Bruce
25th April 2013, 09:24 AM
I recommend one hour minimum per day of energy work and altered state meditation for good progress.

With enough Chakra activation, you will find it easier to remain in the Real Time Zone.


ps, I just released a Spanish edition eBook of my 2nd Edition of Astral Dynamics, if this helps.

26th April 2013, 03:16 PM
Thank you for your suggestion. About the spanish book, Ii is great, I prefer english, but I have a lot of friends can't read in english, so, they will love the news!