View Full Version : RTZ Black hole

5th April 2013, 10:49 AM
Has anyone tried in the Real time zone to try and travel through a black hole? Or likewise any type of projection through one? Just a question.

5th April 2013, 12:14 PM
I've never seen one (plenty of vortexes, though) although to tell you the truth, I wouldn't know one if I saw one.
The thing about black holes is that they are physical phenomenon, due to excess mass- and I don't know if it would be 'detected' by the realtime body, since, even if it did have mass (which I doubt, since it acts as light does, IMO) it prob. would be unaffected. Or maybe it would look like a ball, come to think of it. Who knows.

5th April 2013, 06:38 PM
¡Hi, CFTraveler!

¿Are you familiar to Phd. Astrophysics Paul Alex LaViolette's theories?

At his website http://www.etheric.com this guy exposes a particular approach related to an, allegedly, supermassive black hole at Milky Way bulge (http://etheric.com/Cosmology/blackhole.html), idea by him demised from the viewpoint of his SubQuantum Kinetics theory.


5th April 2013, 06:42 PM
¡Hi, CFTraveler!
Furthermore, SubQuantum Kinetics Theory, is inspired in ancient myths, what he denominates ancient scientific knowledge (may I be wrong with underlined text, since I didn't but a surface reading of his research material).


5th April 2013, 07:33 PM
how can anything exist around a blackhole?and if nothing can exist around it then how can you see one?

i mean if a blackhole were to exist real time wouldn't there be even horizon in the zone? I mean i can envision a black hole in space but not in real time.

The defining feature of a black hole is the appearance of an event horizon—a boundary in spacetime (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacetime) through which matter and light can only pass inward towards the mass of the black hole. Nothing, not even light, can escape from inside the event horizon. The event horizon is referred to as such because if an event occurs within the boundary, information from that event cannot reach an outside observer, making it impossible to determine if such an event occurred.

also the other thing I find really hard to wrap my brain around is howcome the astral or the astrophysical existance of blackholes itself is under debate? I mean are blackholes really for real? , or is it still conjecture (i mean i hardly ever read anything totally conclusive or mutually agreed on about this , either that or it's way too hyperbolic scientific jargon [at least so for me to understand])

By their very nature, black holes do not directly emit any signals other than the hypothetical Hawking radiation; since the Hawking radiation for an astrophysical black hole is predicted to be very weak, this makes it impossible to directly detect astrophysical black holes from the Earth. A possible exception to the Hawking radiation being weak is the last stage of the evaporation of light (primordial) black holes; searches for such flashes in the past have proven unsuccessful and provide stringent limits on the possibility of existence of light primordial black holes.

5th April 2013, 07:57 PM
i thought this was the science forum then i just realized this is the OBE sub, sorry! ( shame on DC , blabbering away without his first cup of coffee :nono:).

I haven't projected a great number of times right into the RTZ but have made it out mostly into the etheric.

The first time in etheric there was a large moose head right on the wall of my room (it wasn't a time imprint as we were the first tenants) , i think it would be possible to see blackholes or vortices of that nature in the etheric but im a little doubtful about them showing up in rtz.

5th April 2013, 08:00 PM
Hah its ok DC. Thank you guys for the the answer though. I really wanted to know the possibility let alone ever seeing a black hole.

5th April 2013, 08:18 PM
i thought this was the science forum then i just realized this is the OBE sub, sorry! ( shame on DC , blabbering away without his first cup of coffee :nono:).

I haven't projected a great number of times right into the RTZ but have made it out mostly into the etheric.

The first time in etheric there was a large moose head right on the wall of my room (it wasn't a time imprint as we were the first tenants) , i think it would be possible to see blackholes or vortices of that nature in the etheric but im a little doubtful about them showing up in rtz. I think this thread could go in either, and I think it's just fine to talk about the 'science' aspect of the black hole, especially if we're wondering about how it would be experienced from a realtimezone point of view.

5th April 2013, 08:20 PM
I haven't projected a great number of times right into the RTZ but have made it out mostly into the etheric. The realtime zone is the etheric- Robert basically considers the etheric the body you are in when you are 'in' body but perceiving with your nonphysical senses, but the minute you walk out of the physical confine, it's called 'realtime' because you are now perceiving the real time zone.

how can anything exist around a blackhole?and if nothing can exist around it then how can you see one? Well, visible light can't escape a black hole, but xrays can. So I imagine that you could perceive something, if your etheric body can see in that wavelength.

i mean if a blackhole were to exist real time wouldn't there be even horizon in the zone? I mean i can envision a black hole in space but not in real time.
In my way of thinking, even if you can't 'see' it, since there should be so much mass concentrated in the 'other' side of the hole, and there is a small amount of radiation leak (the xrays and the event horizon) I imagine that something might be perceived, provided the realtime body is 'synched' enough to the physical to perceive it. Just guessin'.

also the other thing I find really hard to wrap my brain around is howcome the astral or the astrophysical existance of blackholes itself is under debate? I mean are blackholes really for real? , or is it still conjecture (i mean i hardly ever read anything totally conclusive or mutually agreed on about this , either that or it's way too hyperbolic scientific jargon [at least so for me to understand])

I believe (and I could be wrong, as I'm not up on the 'latest' in the world of science, even from a lay person's p.o.v.), that when Stephen Hawking 'proved' that black holes do emit radiation, there were measurements taken and evidence gathered, so that I don't think it's merely theoretical anymore, unless something's changed. I'm prob. going to look into it later, if I have time. Today's been kind of busy with real-world stuff.

5th April 2013, 08:54 PM
The realtime zone is the etheric- Robert basically considers the etheric the body you are in when you are 'in' body but perceiving with your nonphysical senses, but the minute you walk out of the physical confine, it's called 'realtime' because you are now perceiving the real time zone.
Ah okay i think i got it now , it's the etheric body that explores the realtime.
I made my own distinction about the realtime thinking that "real reality" (say for instance seeing things exactly as they are in reality places them in realtime and if one experiences fluctuations (moose head et al) that makes it etheric)

Well, visible light can't escape a black hole, but xrays can. So I imagine that you could perceive something, if your etheric body can see in that wavelength.
yes but if the etheric body lets assume is light-like or photonic in nature that would mean it could potentially get sucked in but if was more closer in nature to the x-ray spectrum we could literally observe black holes in OOBE condition and amass data , which seems exciting but gets us back to square one about discovering the exact nature of the etheric body itself first.

In my way of thinking, even if you can't 'see' it, since there should be so much mass concentrated in the 'other' side of the hole, and there is a small amount of radiation leak (the xrays and the event horizon) I imagine that something might be perceived, provided the realtime body is 'synched' enough to the physical to perceive it. Just guessin'.
This could be "extreme" OOBE , for the more thrill seeking adrenaline junkie type of projector :lol2:

Has anyone tried in the Real time zone to try and travel through a black hole? Or likewise any type of projection through one? Just a question.

I think* that a black hole wouldn't operate the same way a worm tube would , i'm not sure what it means to travel through one though , but like Cf was saying earlier that would depend where exactly the etheric body is in the electromagnetic spectrum , if say it's possible for us in non-corporeal means to traverse through a black hole we can come back and report the findings on one - now the interesting part , if its not possible to traverse through a black hole ; what becomes of the etheric body that is placed next to a black hole?

7th April 2013, 05:52 PM
Intersting, all this, but I do not want to explore a 'black hole'. I don't care what 'body' you're in, it would be the end of you. Actually the black hole's horizen is daunting to say the least. Vis-a-vis the quasar. This is the most energetic and brilliant event in the Universe where plasma to the very nth power is expelled from the center of a galaxy. Wouldn't want to be there!
We have to remember, that our bodies are conceptions in space-time - we cannot conceive otherwise - and a venture into a black hole would annihilate the conceiver. No return.

7th April 2013, 07:51 PM
so i have a qstn , what would happen to the body of a person after he/she projects into a black hole?

lapse into coma they cant rouse out of ?

7th April 2013, 10:34 PM
Nothing would happen. Your 'essence' doesn't project, a reflection of you is projected out, and your conscious awareness is in complete contact with its information gathering characteristic. If the projected body is cut off from its etheric body (which is part of the physical body) the informations stops flowing, but the 'essence' being of the person has never gone out.
Let me put it another way.
Your mind projects itself into spacetime in what we call a body. The body has many grades of 'being'; from the very small or light or subtle (mental, astral, etheric, physical). This mind-body manifestation (you, manifested in the spacetime continuum) wants to receive information from the subtle aspects of the manifested universe. So your body, or physical manifestation, acts like a holographic projector and radiates out a holographic beam of your etheric or astral or mental body (or the combo). Now, while the mind is projecting these holographic beams of yourself, and the holographic image is interacting in the realm of choice or chance, (which could be rtz, astral, or mental) and while it's being transmitted, it's feeding back information to the mind that is projecting the hologram. So the mind is receiving and cataloguing all the information that its receiving. So let's say that something 'over there' happens and the hologram is cut off from the projector. Then the hologram information would stop feeding back to the projector, and the projector would stop receiving from the projected body, and the projected body would probably either stop being 'a' body (I imagine for example, in the case of a hologram, the photons would scatter and that would be that)- the original projector may lose a little energy (but not so much, after all, how much energy can it take to produce a projection?) but not enough to make a difference.
Or, put differently, prob. the projector might wake up, and not remember much, if anything.
Just my opinion.

8th April 2013, 08:45 AM
so that means as such the connection b/w the mind/the holographic projector and the holograhpic beam/energy-bodies is never really severed? if so does that in turn mean the projection/exteriorization and return/interiorization of the energy bodies are the minds way of classifying the different stages of projection?

8th April 2013, 01:42 PM
CFT? I really do like your angle. A holographic universe. I lean thata-way myself. But sometimes I fall back on the Kabbalah, which limits our experience to Tiphareth - the Son/Sun. While we can imagine the conciousness over-reaching that limitation, in fact, it is only our imagination. When authors claim to experience their mental bodies, it is but the imagination that does so. The Kabbalah simply says otherwise - we cannot venture, as carnated beings, except in our imagination, any reality beyond this sephirah. At this point we must leave the objective and attempt to invision the subjective nature of 'reality'.
I don't think this amounts to an argument of any sort - it's just a tantalizing puzzle.

8th April 2013, 02:44 PM
so that means as such the connection b/w the mind/the holographic projector and the holograhpic beam/energy-bodies is never really severed? if so does that in turn mean the projection/exteriorization and return/interiorization of the energy bodies are the minds way of classifying the different stages of projection? Sounds right, I suppose. Inasmuch as being able to 'sever' light, or a light-like component, I think.

8th April 2013, 02:46 PM
CFT? I really do like your angle. A holographic universe. I lean thata-way myself. But sometimes I fall back on the Kabbalah, which limits our experience to Tiphareth - the Son/Sun. While we can imagine the conciousness over-reaching that limitation, in fact, it is only our imagination. When authors claim to experience their mental bodies, it is but the imagination that does so. The Kabbalah simply says otherwise - we cannot venture, as carnated beings, except in our imagination, any reality beyond this sephirah. At this point we must leave the objective and attempt to invision the subjective nature of 'reality'.
I don't think this amounts to an argument of any sort - it's just a tantalizing puzzle. That's why I only spoke of astral-mental bodies, and left the rest of them (buddhic, etc.) out of the conversation. If you ask me, 'regular life/physical' is also heavily ideated by the mind, almost as much (or in a slower way) than the other 'bodies'. All of it is our imagination, just at different speeds and with slightly different rules.

8th April 2013, 04:44 PM
That's why I only spoke of astral-mental bodies, and left the rest of them (buddhic, etc.) out of the conversation. If you ask me, 'regular life/physical' is also heavily ideated by the mind, almost as much (or in a slower way) than the other 'bodies'. All of it is our imagination, just at different speeds and with slightly different rules.

Well, we are, in fact on the same page. :) I think?

8th April 2013, 04:58 PM

8th April 2013, 05:29 PM
I haven't ventured much into the higher astral (at least not consciously). This may be something the more practiced projectors have experienced. I'd like to hope that the concept or perception of travel, from a to b, to perceive a piece of information would not be necessary (at some higher state). I hope I can explain this in a way that doesn't come off as incomprehensible.

That all information would exist at a single point (leaving time out of the equation). I suppose the capacity would then rest with the person, in that the person might able to perceive info as individual bits, or all at once. That travel is only a method of a lower order to receive bits of information in a format understandable and suitable to the capacity of the individual. I hope this doesn't come off as complete drivel. Feel free to poke holes in it.

8th April 2013, 09:40 PM
I haven't ventured much into the higher astral (at least not consciously). This may be something the more practiced projectors have experienced. I'd like to hope that the concept or perception of travel, from a to b, to perceive a piece of information would not be necessary (at some higher state). I hope I can explain this in a way that doesn't come off as incomprehensible.

That all information would exist at a single point (leaving time out of the equation). I suppose the capacity would then rest with the person, in that the person might able to perceive info as individual bits, or all at once. That travel is only a method of a lower order to receive bits of information in a format understandable and suitable to the capacity of the individual. I hope this doesn't come off as complete drivel. Feel free to poke holes in it.
No holes, only comments.
I think this is why RTZ projections are experienced as projections through spacetime.
As you continue, the exits become less of a 'thing' and the environments acquire different quality of reality.
At some point, you just realize you're 'there' all the time but don't perceive 'it' unless you go into medidation, which gets you out of time from a mental perspective.
And, I think everyone already knows this, which is why most of the time 'enlightenment (gawd I used the 'e' word) is experienced as a 'remembering'.

9th April 2013, 08:30 AM
I just miss getting out and having a walkabout in truth. I think I should lock myself away for a week and get into the groove again. I won't be exploring any black holes, a nice wander around the garden will do it for me.

10th April 2013, 01:08 PM
In my most recent copy of Nature mag. there is an article specifically about a 'free-floating' astronaught falling in a black hole! The conclusion was theoretical physicists can't decide - the math is a conundrum under any senario. Either Relativity fails (sorry Albert) or quantum physics fails. Darn, if I had been born a little smarter :( I'd love to tackle this. Maybe in my next go-around. :)