View Full Version : How natural is kundalini?

2nd April 2013, 08:40 PM
It seems like you need to master trance, OBE, energy work, and even then its very hard.

How natural is kundalini?

Robert Bruce
25th April 2013, 09:08 AM
I have taught some people that have raised kundalini in the first few sessions, without any great preparations.

It depends upon how your chakras are wired, and if your belief system supports this or not.

For most, however, extensive training is required.

My new video program (due for release around the end of May) covers everything.

Kundalini exists within everyone, as far as I can tell. It is therefore natural. When raised, it evolves a person to a higher level of consciousness. It enhances natural abilities, including science, literature, music, and of course psychic abilities.

The seeds of kundalini come, methinks, from the ancient race that contributed DNA to the creation of the human race, a very long time ago.

I do not believe it possible that such a sophisticated energy mechanism could have evolved in the time allowed by our commonly accepted world history. Many millions of years of a high level of civilization actually using kundalini would be required.


8th June 2013, 04:13 PM
The seeds of kundalini come, methinks, from the ancient race that contributed DNA to the creation of the human race, a very long time ago.

I do not believe it possible that such a sophisticated energy mechanism could have evolved in the time allowed by our commonly accepted world history. Many millions of years of a high level of civilization actually using kundalini would be required.


I hope you don't mind me replying to this. Which of these two possibilities do you think is most likely: That another race intervened in our evolution as you mentioned above or that humanity is much MUCH older than we are led to believe by current science? (Micheal Cremo's book Forbidden Archeology comes to mind, in which he claims there have been many instances of human skeletal and fossil remains found and ignored/covered up that show anatomically modern humans alive and kicking millions of years ago).

8th June 2013, 04:18 PM
I hope you don't mind me replying to this.
It's ok since Robert already answered.