View Full Version : Silver cord cutting?

17th March 2013, 02:36 AM
This confused me a lot. I was reading some posts on the river of enlightenment forums and stumbled upon this post

"In my home circle we were taught at a stage to cut our cord . This is not something I would suggest to everyone but when you are ready and instructed by those you trust then yes. I would do it again in another life , it did not harm us we were able to go further from the body .

The silver cord is like the velcro tethered plastic loop slinky bracelets that some mums put on toddlers at the shoppes .Eventually we may outgrow it . There are various safety mechanisms built into the body and when we are ready we pass through them or no longer need them or cut them away, metaphorically emancipating . These include but are not limited to ;

*passing through the ring pass not of the Astral to the Logoic Plane
*cutting the silver cord
*slipping thru the window on the edge of the universe
*unrooting the tree of life in faith to get a bigger pot to transplant it

Each time we have been shown to emancipate ourselves , we have been richly rewarded . I would say learn to trust your highest source , the angels , spirit teachers and avatars .

The plunging into darkness and then to light is imho also a metaphor about choosing the light or dark force to align with . We come to see that they are connected and one but that choice means which path we are going on . If we fall into darkness we become angry , tense , violent , abandoned .If we rise in service of the light , we become empowered and gain abilities and wisdoms to help self and others and the planet . So the choices are being shown to you . At any stage we can fall . We always have a bit of that lower self and guardian demon and ego ready to tell us the wrong thing to do and to suck us back to self destructive habits and make us self sabotage relationships ."

This post was from aunt clair. The link to it is here. http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php/topic,267.0.html

She said something about being able to cut our silver cords? I want to know if it is safe.

17th March 2013, 02:37 AM
Also highlight it to see the writing. I don't know why the font appeared white.