View Full Version : lifetime of neg issues and questions.

16th March 2013, 02:28 AM
Hi Robert, I just read your practical psychic self defense handbook. It's been really eye opening for me. I have always had periods of time since early childhood where I would see shadow menand jellyfish hear knocks and whispers, I've seen astral spiders several times etc. Your book is helping me reflect back and confirm my suspicions that this I have had neg issues since an early age.

The first house my family lived in was said to have been previously inhabited by magic practioners as told to us by a nieghbor was related to the previous inhabitants. I can remember my younger brother doing the head banging thing, into his pillow for years and years. I think he was 13 or so when he finally stopped. When I read that part of your book I had an aha moment and many more since.

I would like to tell you a bit also about a sort of imaginary identity I had as a teen. I think I was glamoured by negs in school and could not get right with a single teacher no matter what I did. My home life was very abusive and there was a period where I was grounded to my room for two years for having poor grades. Anyhwo during that time I began to sort of meditate/daydream to music and developed an entire imaginary world where I lived out many fantasies all of which revolved around a sort of hero/warrior identity that I created, or thought i did.

In these visions which became very trance like I would experience very powerful tingles and chills and rushes of energy. I thought it was great and perhaps it was but I'd like your opinion. You see what troubles me is that to become this warrior I would put on a skull like helmet that engulfed my head(this is all taking place in my mind) even the lower jaw would slide up into the upper skull and lock in place and then I could do amazing things and fought demonic looking creatures that I thought I created.

What I would like to know is, do you have any general thoughts on this? Also, is it possible that I was actually allowing a neg to take me over during these visions unkowingly? I always pictured this identity as being an honorable warrior but perhaps I was kidding myself? Do you think I may have been astral traveling to some extent during these visions? I'm sorry for having so many questions but I've had them for so long and it's hard to find a trusted venue to ask them. Thank you Robert.