View Full Version : Making progress with technique discovered here

14th March 2013, 07:46 PM
Hi, i have been experimenting with techniques and methods for non-physical exploration for sometime now with little or no results-

Having said that, i do have a few lucid dreams every week each of which only last a few seconds to 2 or 3 minutes, but after them I am usaully able to concentrate on an image and enter them. In these experiences my senses are dulled and the overall interaction between me and the environment is somewhat blan and limited. It seems like when i try techniques like affirmations i hit this ceiling and am dropped out of the environment. Latley I tried the mental affirmation "make it real" and sensitivity increased in my hands and arms and the next thing, whether it was fear or excitement i was dropped out of the dream. So, for the moment my best approach to staying in the non-physical while aware is to not recognize my thoughts and emotions and let my awareness sink just enough so that i know im dreaming.

With that knowledge in hand i was somewhat pleased with an experience i had last night.

-Was in a dream, im outside my house, it is night time, I have been dunking in and out of lucidity for a minute or 2, i remember a technique i read on here for astral projecting from a lucid dream, the technique was -fly really high until you can see land forms appear then fly back into them and you will be in an astral realm-

At this point it seemed like there were three objects or thought forms occuring in my dream. 1, a large moon with dark vains, morphing and changing shape, 2 a large wolf gliding in the air, and 3 the serene calm night.

So with a little fear and apprehention i attempted the mentioned technique. I jumped up and rose high and came down slowly like if i was on the moon, Then i tryed again harder waving my arms with a little more success. Then finally this time instead of flapping my arms like a bird i just used the intention to rise and it worked.:angelic:

I was rising and could feel this nervous, somewhat exciting energy take hold of me, once i was what i would say 30-50 feet off the ground i was well beyond my comfort zone and decided not to go any further. But! before i returned I looked at the night sky, it was a dark purple with many stars, and felt more real then most things i eccountered in dreams, it was probably one of the most attractive things i have seen in my dreams and i felt an energetical connection to it.

This, i call progress, because i have been stuck in this limiting, Lucid dream environment and i have found something i have been looking for using this technique.. Next time i will push my bondaries a little farther and see what else i can discover.