View Full Version : Weird detailed dream

Lucid Quartz
11th March 2013, 11:42 PM
--We start off eating in this restaurant at the second floor, I was with a couple of close friends. It was pretty outside. We all asked what we were doing here after two other unknown ladies joined us. The asian guy said he was studying to be a chef at this place, and one of the unknown girls mentioned she was here to shop and be in consumerism. She just wanted to settle w/ a man and then happily buy things. I kind of made a sign at one of my close tablemates because her and the other unknown girl had a nice connection. We all ordered some sort of soup, I had one meaty dish and then a small zucchini soup on the side. We go to pay and make our way through the restaurant. The cashier talks to us and we all say what we ordered. Then some lady starts making a fuss next to us and getting mad. I confront her and ask why she was mad and then point out that we were there first and that the cashier addressed us not her.

After standing up for the group she backs off and we pay. As I'm walking back some guy that recognized me throws a super mini book at me (bible?) that is kind of like confetti when it hits because the pages all burst out. It was really annoying and I was running away from it and everyone else started throwing them at me too. I avoided them like they were bibles (in the way that I don't like religion). They were all laughing and I ran away annoyed downstairs.

Then down more stairs to the front doorway where bright light was shining through. The pier and docking area immediately to the left of me had 'boats' for tourists. I guess this was a touristy place. They had a wooden bottom and you climb up an elastic ladder to where you see the driver/escort at the top holding reigns like a chariot. As soon as I got on he took off out to the ocean. It was so blue and I immediately saw strange sea life. You can see these huge weird looking mammals sitting on rocks and jumping into the middle area where we were passing within arm's length away from us. The little ones came pretty close. They were almost like a mixture of a rhinoceros head, and seal/hippo bottom. It was a huge passageway that goes straight out and deeper in the ocean.

All I had to hold onto was the elastic and I asked the guy if it was safe if I fell out by these huge creatures. He just smiled at me and then whipped his reigns to go way faster! I assume that was a yes. I had to tighten my grip and really hold on, it was so fun and cool! We pass a big tiger shark(?) that was directly in front of us and he makes the contraption go under water so it passes right above us. Before going under I saw an actual real looking boat in the distance carrying tons of tourists/passengers. There was some sort of barrier that enabled us to go under water and be able to breath and not be bothered by the speed. --

Cuts to me trying to wake up. Before this dream I had tried to wake up a couple times unsuccessfully. I'm reading this book on how to 'wake up' and go through the steps. I start breathing, do the rest that I have no recollection of, and the last part was count to 10. As soon as I got to ten I jolted in my bed and picked myself up. I was so groggy I was having a hard time controlling my body and I guess reintegrating.

Comments, thoughts? I really felt like it was a real experience on some planet I was familiar with.

11th March 2013, 11:48 PM
How about Florida, and the critters were manatees? Just today the news said that record numbers are being killed by red tide.
I definitely see the symbology. Or anyway how I would interpret it if it was me having the dream.

Lucid Quartz
12th March 2013, 04:53 AM
Well, I had this dream exactly a month ago. I saved the document detailing it and posted it out of curiosity. What really got me was the coming out of the dream because I can wake myself up voluntarily but I couldn't do so in the very end, so I was reading something guiding me back into the "real world" and basically jolted back here.

I get that burst back w/ lucid dreams but also believed OBEs. More recently my beginner OBE experience where I immediately woke up when I went back to my body so I wonder if there is something regarding the similarities on the waking process and if this dream could be something more. Those were my feelings.

Lucid Quartz
12th March 2013, 04:56 AM
Also these things were ENORMOUS. The babies were like a full grown size of a manatee. More rigid in the face too which is why I associated a rhino. This place did not feel like earth either. Thanks for your thoughts!