View Full Version : Kundalini and Shapeshifting

10th March 2013, 02:15 AM
When will the kundalini program be out? I am really interested in buying it. I am also going to buy the Astral Projection one too.

Also another question. Is it possible to Physically Shapeshift and could I find out how when I awaken my kundalini?

One more question. I have seen that there was a man recently who spontaneously combusted. Is there a theory to this?

Robert Bruce
30th March 2013, 05:06 AM
The Kundalini programs is finished and in editing. It will be released in early July.

Physical shapeshifting would be possible after Kundalini has been developed.

It is not a 'do it once and you are done' kind of thing.

It is a whole new level of energy work and spiritual metaphysical development.
