View Full Version : Starting to get sensations while meditating

5th March 2013, 03:52 PM
Hi Folks!

Lately, while lying down and meditating before sleep (aided by binaural beats), I've gotten some strange body sensations which may be the precursors to something...like the gradual loosening of my energy body maybe?

My legs feel tingling/buzzing/energized, and sometimes my muscles twitch. My base chakra area has been kind of, um, fluttering or pulsing (blush). Quite a definite, unmistakable physical sensation.

Also been getting strange 'charged up' feelings in my feet. Like that urgent physical feeling you get in the soles of your feet when you are high up and close to an edge. Like your primal monkey brain is saying "hold onto a branch!"

Strange thing is though - no upper body effects. Does this perhaps mean one or more of my higher chakras might be blocked? Or is this kind of thing common when starting out?

Hey, the whole lower body effect might just be from lying totally still without moving for so long. Some of the binaural beat tracks go for 30 or 45 minutes. When I get these effects, I have the almost uncontrollable urge to jiggle my legs and feet and move around a bit.

P.S. I'm sure my wife appreciates me thrashing around and kicking while wearing giant headphones. Maybe I should get a waterbed. :D

5th March 2013, 05:27 PM
According to Robert's works (and my experience) the feet, hands and legs are the most sensitive places for feedback.