View Full Version : Last night dream

3rd March 2013, 11:01 AM
Been having recurring dreams of me loosing everything, like my job, my house, my grown up girls, there is no fear in the dream it just plays out and I seem in acceptance.

Last nights dream was interesting as I was pregnant and I could see the babies head and arm reaching down through my leg, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but there was being told it was too soon and I had to have her put back. The thought of that was very strange.

I held onto her and was aware that the cord had no been cut yet I was fine and not bleeding. Then the recurring dream again as I am in a new flat which has no lock and each time I go home something has been taken. Sunglasses, clothes, costume jewellery.

I decided to find somewhere safe for me and my newborn baby that was almost 2yrs old by the way.

I think the loosing is about the old ideas I have of myself, perhaps the baby that was born and asked to be put back perhaps shows my impatience with my learning. But certainly interesting.

3rd March 2013, 02:55 PM
I decided to find somewhere safe for me and my newborn baby that was almost 2yrs old by the way.

I see a baby, especiallaly unborn, as a potentail that is latent and hasn't been given a chance 'realize' itself, which makes me wonder if you feel there is something in you, a talent, desire etc. that is crying out but hasn't been given the freedom to express itself yet.

Just my thoughts :)

3rd March 2013, 09:41 PM
I see a baby, especiallaly unborn, as a potentail that is latent and hasn't been given a chance 'realize' itself, which makes me wonder if you feel there is something in you, a talent, desire etc. that is crying out but hasn't been given the freedom to express itself yet.

Just my thoughts :)

I definately feel like that but have no idea what it is, there goes my patience correlation again. Was interesting about the ambilical cord (silver cord) not being cut. Maybe it's my potenetial to explore and study AP and everything that comes with it and not being able to share it with anyone I am close to except you guys? Loosing everything around me that I am used to and hanging onto my new baby that's attached to me by a cord. I now that this does not makes us special because we all have the ability to do it but it does feel like a desire an exciting desire so yes.

7th March 2013, 02:00 PM
Last nights dream was again I gave birth this time to a baby boy of about 6 months old, I was breast feeding him which I never did with my own two daughters. There was people coming and going in the room, right at the back was an older man with dark red hair and beard in a check suit. He was an empath I was told by a young man and he had said that I was lost.

I had another dream of a white picture where the two statues cames to life and started dancing around a huge white anchor. I still have nothing for the RV lab yet

8th March 2013, 03:34 AM
Do I sense some bitterness in being female? You seemed to be duelling with the sexes. I mean, it's a little confusing. You raised girls but you seem to want the burden of motherhood shifted. Like, men don't understand, but you want them to.

Btw, I'll leave the target up for a little longer.

8th March 2013, 11:12 AM
That's an interesting interpretation. I don't seem to understand why you feel confused, it feels to me that I am integrating my male and female side with the birth of a girl and a boy. The older man saying I am lost is an actual reflection of how I feel in my reality so I see him as a part of myself too.

The statues was the only part I could not fathom. Could you expand Eyeoneblack, I would like to look at this from your perspective.

8th March 2013, 03:03 PM
Been having recurring dreams of me loosing everything, like my job, my house, my grown up girls, there is no fear in the dream it just plays out and I seem in acceptance.

If I had paid more attention to the introduction I may have taken a different tack. This statement sets the stage and now I have to reconsider some things. "Pregnant men and a gang of fighting women" has to be re-thought. But I have to think, if you are integrating your masculine self then you misunderstand the mission. Men don't get pregnant and fighting is not masculine. On that, I actually consider 'fighting' a feminine trait. IMO women are fiercer than men, but I can't claim that's a universal truth. Seems to me men will bond through aggression, whereas women don't seem to.

In my younger days I hooked it with more than a few guys, and always the end result was mutual respect. I don't see that valor in the female contest. So I can't interpret that part as anything integrating.

Went back to your thread (I'm composing this on Word). Did you delete text about pregnant men and fighting women, or did I fuse someone else's dream with yours?

If that's the case then I have to stop. All bets are off and I'll have a new look. :)

(Stress has scattered my mind lately. I think I'm going insane!):wacky1:

8th March 2013, 04:55 PM
Eyeoneblack, I think you are getting mixed up with the conversation we had on my thread

8th March 2013, 05:06 PM
Eyeoneblack, I think you are getting mixed up with the conversation we had on my thread

So, the verdict is in.....
I'm going nuts~~~
Sorry 'bout that both of you; EWO and susan. I need to soak my head haha.

8th March 2013, 05:17 PM
Ah but what a lovely head it is

8th March 2013, 05:21 PM
Ah but what a lovely head it is

Ho Ho! 'Ya know, I think most the time I'm just channeling. I have no original thoughts, they pop into my mind and I'm like a dictaphone transcribing silliness.

You guys are great.... thank you!