View Full Version : This is how I do it - share your tips too!
20th February 2013, 11:19 PM
So, I've realised that the success of manifesting your desires depends entirely on your belief that it is possible.
You have to know in your heart this this 'life' is one big illusion, the building blocks are just putty, easily molded into different shapes, if you decide to.
I spent years reading about ways in which to truly get that.
I depended on books quite a bit... until I realised that actually, a bit of meditation goes a long way. Connecting to your higher self and listening what the 'big you' has to say is a lot more successful :-)
Here's a few techniques that I've found work for me, could you share yours too? - maybe then we can get this life thing under control, the way it should be!
The main technique I use is to close my eyes, centre myself, then see life as it is. Mentally pan around my life, seeing my job, my friends, my love life(/lack off!!) my family relationship, my car, my home etc. Pan around it all like you were watching a movie.
Then press pause.
See it flickering, stopped still - from here you can move things, add things, delete things you're not happy with.
Do some upgrading where it's needed (new carpet in your house, a lick of paint on the walls, a nice boyfriend/girlfriend waiting by your front door - that sort of thing)
...if anyone has played The Sims here, you might want to view it as the 'build mode' option :lol:
Pop a nice new car on your drive, place some close friends in your living room, a dog in a basket - whatever you want, put it in your Build Mode. Do this for all areas of your life, pan around and upgrade your job, your bank balance etc
Then hit 'play'. Watch as this new, upgraded version of your world starts playing out. Sit and watch for as long as you'd like.
Meditate on this new vision as much as you can.
Then start to see it when you've opened your eyes.
You're walking through your house with its nasty old carpets BUT you are painting over them with your open eyed visualisation of plush new ones...smell the smell of new carpet even.
That part gets quite easy after a little practice and I've found it really makes things happen.
Do it with everything! for example, if you want to change something about your appearance, when you're getting ready in the morning, paint over what you see in the mirror with an upgraded version of yourself.
Look in your wardrobe and paint over the old clothes looking back at you - see what you want to see.
I have honestly had some wonderful experiences with this technique, it takes quite a bit of energy to manifest, it takes a lot out of you...or at least, it does me. That's why I haven't been practicing lately, since there have been a few things going on in my life to make me forget that it's all just illusion!
But I'm going to get back to it now, that's why I'm here!
what are your tips? :)
21st February 2013, 04:26 AM
I played a little game once of imagining I'm a VIP just experimentally. As we drove to a kid's football game, I imagined people in other cars recognising me through the car window and excitedly telling people beside them, "I just saw Beekeeper!" I imagined we were in a limousine or an equally posh car. I kept up the scenario as we arrived at the field, imagining myself in designer everything and avoiding paparazzi. I swear that in a short time it seemed like total strangers were finding excuses to talk to us at unprecedented levels.
I like your idea, Jen86. I might play with that one :)
22nd February 2013, 06:09 AM
I played a little game once of imagining I'm a VIP just experimentally. As we drove to a kid's football game, I imagined people in other cars recognising me through the car window and excitedly telling people beside them, "I just saw Beekeeper!" I imagined we were in a limousine or an equally posh car. I kept up the scenario as we arrived at the field, imagining myself in designer everything and avoiding paparazzi. I swear that in a short time it seemed like total strangers were finding excuses to talk to us at unprecedented levels.
little on the cliche side but i'll go with it anyhoo , art imitates life too , you could be lionized here and perhaps not be aware of it - just saying is all! :-)
22nd February 2013, 08:28 AM
First, a comment. I do, in fact, play The Sims. I find it to be an extraordinarily good metaphor for a lot of things metaphysical, in fact. (As well as a fine waste of time :))
Secondly, I'm still working on finding a consistent technique, so I've been putting the focus on actually changing (or, rather, losing) my perception of reality. Lately, my reality is so incredibly subjective it's actually impossible to describe, other than to say everything is like being in a lucid dream, wherein I am entirely aware that the whole of it is being created by me (or, at least, through me).
However, I do find that writing stuff down is helpful. I write a journal, writing as if whatever it is has already manifested. As an example, you could write about your trip to the car dealer, and how you found the perfect car and ordered it exactly the way you wanted it, and paid with cash, and then write about how great it is to have this new car, describe driving it, etc. It's important to include enough detail that it seems "real" in the way that good writing becomes real in your mind as you read it, but you don't want to be so detailed that it's going to put limits on it (that's hard to describe; almost anything is okay when it comes to detail, including the weather, what the salesman is like, etc., but if you put in too much "immovable" or "hard" detail, it can greatly slow things down because it takes so much more universal "processor time" to generate that much detail, so keep in stuff that's important to you, and let the rest just be whatever it wants to be).
But, I'm not getting consistent results with this. Yet. ;)
Lately, I find that just thinking about something enough and saying it out loud will trigger all kinds of manifestation chains. It's actually both weird and funny when it manifests. But do be careful with it, because I manifested myself into a rather serious illness because I wanted my husband to use up some of his sick leave (he's leaving that job and it'll be lost, though he does get a pay-out for unused vacation time), and I wanted a good reason not to resume university this trimester (going to take it up again next term, but I really wanted a break), and I had a few other random thoughts and desires that were fulfilled by getting good and sick. I mean, it was the manifestation of every desire, but it wasn't a desirable manifestation, if you take my meaning. At this point, I haven't worked out how to get around that aspect of conscious manifestation, and this is most certainly not the first time this has happened.
22nd February 2013, 11:21 AM
Interesting technique.
Most of my best manifestations were simply the result of daydreaming. I have always had a vivid ability to visualize so I can daydream as if I was in a movie.
I just shared this in another post, but I found that I was much better at this when I did not realize what I was doing and there was not a focused intention to manifest. I have lately been putting way too much energy into this with less satisfactory results. Also, I have been pretty depressed over the past few years and this has seriously impacted my ability, i think. I was much better when I was happy and feeling well. I also had more confidence that things would work out. I have become more doubtful.
I also found it was much more successful when I was not being pulled in a thousand different directions so I had the quiet time to meditate/daydream alone. I think the more agitated you are and the more chaotic energy that surrounds you, the less effective it is. I actually believe I manifested these distractions and now it is hard to manifest disentanglement.
Like Butterfly Woman, I have had the same kind of experiences, you want something and you get it, but with a whole lot more in the package that is not at all what you anticipated. It is kind of like a contract where you have to be careful of the loopholes. This has happened repeatedly. Also, I have manifested something in a certain way because at the time it seemed right, but then needs and situations chance and you are stuck with this inflexible manifestation.
This has happened twice with the men I have had in my life. In one case, a lot of years ago, this amazing person came into my life just as I had imagined it. At the time, the situation was perfect but then I found myself falling in love except the way I had envisioned it before, that was not part of the package so now I was stuck in a situation where I was enchanted by this wonderful person and neither of us could move forward into the next phase. Odd thing- you would think you could manifest your way out of the ditch, but I never could.
So, to sum it up, be in a good state of mind when you visualize, try to catch the loopholes, be confident in yourself and the outcome, be at in a distraction free environment.
22nd February 2013, 11:41 AM
I am not that experienced but i can still share :D .
I like cosmic ordering ,i love the concept of just asking the Universe ,and just relax and wait .I did experience some weird coincidences ! Also acting as if is a technique i like ,it's powerful; acting as if you would if things were already as wanted.
I add some visualization too and i also work on changing my thinking ,my opinion ,my expectations on the subject.
24th February 2013, 12:08 PM
"changing (or, rather, losing) my perception of reality"
Butterflywoman - I really resonate with what you've shared. It's something that over the past few days I've become ultra aware of myself, more than ever before.
I have been questioning this a lot in daydreams on walks to and from work, or even AT work, which makes it incredibly hard to take things seriously! (luckily, I am not a brain surgeon - I merely sell books)
I can't stop questioning "what is reality anyway and how real is it?"
I'm beginning to see life as just a dream, I think that up until recently, like many people, I've let the dream take me away, living the dream that is playing out, out of my control. But now I see, if I can fight against the dream-current and become lucid - 'wake up' and take the reins - then this 'dream-reality' can play out how ever I wish it to...Just like a regular lucid dream.
It's an extremely exciting prospect and I will spend a lot of time trying to really master it from now on.
Great tips everyone, thanks for sharing and keep them coming! :)
25th February 2013, 03:22 AM
I'm beginning to see life as just a dream, I think that up until recently, like many people, I've let the dream take me away, living the dream that is playing out, out of my control. But now I see, if I can fight against the dream-current and become lucid - 'wake up' and take the reins - then this 'dream-reality' can play out how ever I wish it to...Just like a regular lucid dream.
EXACTLY. That's exactly it. I've been quite vividly "awake" for some time (though I do still slip into the reality and experience it, like an immersion movie or something, and sometimes I do it without conscious decision, but it's fairly easy to "wake up" out of it again pretty much whenever I want). My degree of "control", for lack of a better term, is not precise, but it is growing. It's actually a bit scary at times, and awesome in the actual, true meaning of the word.
But, we are all creating our reality all the time, we're just not consciously aware of it. May as well add some awareness and deliberate choice into the situation... ;)
1st January 2014, 02:48 PM
cool Butterflywoman, never thought to write it in my journal like that. it would be real effective if someone is used to writing what happened during their day in their journal. I almost never do, got stacks of journals but they are all thoughts an stuff.
your experiences of manifesting what you want but not how you wanted.. same here.
just this month.. see my brother needs $5grand to get custody of his daughter, otherwise she will go into foster care, and I know that they would change eachothers life for the better. 5,000 is a lot for my family, especially this time of year. I knew it would come though. I went to the bank, there was a $5000 raffle to be drawn on the 20th- the perfect timing (I wasn't surprised). I bought one ticket, knowing that's all that was needed. only, I didn't ask that I get pulled, I said "whoever needs it the most" (did I hear 'uh-oh'?). there was no way it wouldn't go to 'whoever needed it the most' but there was something vague about that. I thought about it for awhile, needing something is totally subjective... I had the money go to whoever WANTED it the most, but by then it was too late to change it.
It went to a drunk who needed money for booze.
as terrible as that sounds (and I do feel a bit sick but its my fault) ive had worse. even death
so you may want to be very sure about what you are manifesting, and you may want to put in some guidelines as to how.
another thing to remember is interference from other people (not to mention yourself). someone else may be manifesting something that conflicts with your manifestation. or someone may directly suppress your manifesting with a thoughtform. so either you have to mind wrestle them an/or get rid of their thought form (especially if its directed for your manifesting) you can especially get thought forms if someone you tell about your manifesting experiences gets jelous (too bad, I got good stories)
you all know like attracts like, so being generous is important.
finally, often times your spirit friends/God/HS is involved in making things happen, so be friendly. I blow kisses to my friends in heaven a lot.
1st January 2014, 02:56 PM
I wrote that nearly a year ago, now. And I have found that the key, the real key, lies beyond techniques (though that can be helpful for lots of people). It seems to rest in allowing, in what I think of as "flow". When I let go and just allow the dream to be the dream, things manifest effortlessly, and in suprising and often amusing ways. When I try too hard, focus too hard, think too much about it, the flow dries up. It's like non-Newtonian fluid, or, I suppose, Chinese finger cuffs. Push or pull or resist and everything firms up and becomes, at least temporarily, immovable or impassable. Allow the focus to relax, let go, and the flow takes over. It's very counter-intuitive to the way almost all of us have lived our lives and been taught, but it works remarkably well and very pleasantly, indeed. :)
11th January 2014, 07:52 AM
Loved the Chinese finger cuffs metaphor.
11th January 2014, 06:38 PM
Yes haha, Chinese finger cuffs, the more you struggle the more you're arrested - trapped. Reminds of the old Eastern maxim - to learn to Do, by not Doing. People especially of the West are Doers and the notion that not-doing is foreign and 'will get you nowhere'. An old Yogi (from the 70s - Maharishi (?)) told his group of students, "Don't just do something, sit there." That made sense to me.
You don't find me cruising this forum very often because I am so ambivalent about the whole pre-text. We are our own manifestation - everything about us we have manifest and this is a hugely complex 'mechanism'. As usual we record the positive aspects of it's workings and ignore the negative. And we positively and negatively manifest our self continually from the chromosome up (think epigenetics).
There is a 'me' in me that I don't understand, can't. But 'he' is hard at work doing his thing behind the scenes - behind my awareness. Sometimes delight erupts from behind the veil, sometimes bother comes my way. But I have a deep-seeded trust and considerable history that the goings-on beyond my senses favors good fortune. Great expectations if you will!
Consider the lotto players - how much they so want to manifest a fortune. But they are pulling at their finger cuffs. Sad really. I'll never win a lottery because I never spent a dollar on one. To do so would be like telling this universe that concentrates a thing called 'me' in a place called 'here', to step aside because we don't like how life is going. It is impossible to wrest the wheel away that is turning our lives the way Nature and the certainties embodied by that un-seen hand co-create.
Ok. I'm starting to lose even myself :). This is all. It's too big a question.
11th January 2014, 06:46 PM
I bet its because too much effort activates the more physical bodies while what you are talking about activates the subtle bodies (which aren't as restricted). Like if I put too much effort into something my physical body tenses and shakes- good way to get exercise, not so good for manifesting.
20th January 2014, 04:14 PM
Interesting and a couple of thoughts/questions-
I too came back to this after one year and it was interesting to read my old post and the others, starting from the beginning.
I, like Butterflywoman, had several serious and negative experiences that ultimately were the path to something I had been trying to manifest for some time. I think that sometimes the more energy you put into something that you want to manifest and later wish to disentangle, the greater the chances that it will "explode" rather than simply dissolve when it is no longer useful.
That said, someone earlier posted a comment about our manifestations being in contradiction with the manifestations of others and how this serves to cancel out what we are trying to manifest. I have always grappled with that idea.
On the one hand, some would say that our entire reality is a function of our own manifestations so nothing external can prevent what we are manifesting.
On the other, assuming we believe that a physical reality exists, we all become entangled in the reality (physical or otherwise) of others so what happens if what we are so desiring is in direct opposition of what someone else is needing or attempting to manifest? What if our circumstances are the result of someone else's manifestation? Are we stuck forever in this energetic tug of war? How do we extricate ourselves? Is it all our own reality or can the manifestations of others impact us?
I must say that very honestly, there are more times than not that I feel that I have become a player in someone else's play and now serve a purpose that is not in my best interest. I don't like to think this way because it is very limiting.
20th January 2014, 07:36 PM
assuming we believe that a physical reality exists, we all become entangled in the reality (physical or otherwise) of others I think this answers your question. It has to do with how you define reality.
Are we stuck forever in this energetic tug of war? How do we extricate ourselves? Is it all our own reality or can the manifestations of others impact us? I personally beleive we can change circumstances regardless of others' interpretation of it, but it's a matter of 'knowing' this. I do not believe in 'forever' in this way, because the nature of our reality is fluid and changing all the time, and this precludes (in my belief) 'forever' physical existence.
How do you extricate yourself? Change how you perceive reality, change your mind.
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