View Full Version : A Lot of Heart Energy

13th February 2013, 11:34 PM
Hello Robert,
I've been pursuing New Energy Ways and doing trance mediation and recently I've experienced something you've often written about--the heart chakra and it's incredible amount and potential of energy..

As I'm lying here, I can feel and extraordinary amount of heart energy, almost overwhelmingly warm and sensitive. Is there a way I can use this energy? Distance healing perhaps?

The truth is, I've been heart broken and there is much, much energy there in the heart. I just don't know what to do with it. Writing, playing music, exercise, meditation. None reduce the energy, actually they strengthen it sometimes. Could one charge items around one's room, heal the the room itself, or foods or water? It seems, at times, the only way to use this energy is to sleep and dream.

Do you have any recommendations, moving this incredible amount of energy?
