View Full Version : Relaxation, how to ?

10th February 2013, 10:00 PM
so i am practicing progressive muscle relaxation "by the book" (as described in astral dynamics)
also im learning autogenic training right now.

For me it would be an enormous help if you kind people would describe to me your relaxation routines. :-)
especially the ones you did when you first projected. please make post as long and detailed as possible.

Im wondering as to how deeply relaxed you really have to bee? what does it feel like? how long until you learned it? in other words i want all the little details. your stories would benefit me greatly!

10th February 2013, 10:06 PM
Hi Stimpy,

Relaxation is definitely a cornerstone to almost any practice, whether Astral Projection or just making it through life in one piece. I'm glad you're going by the book, and I'll save you a lot of reading in other books by strongly suggesting you make meditation a part of the process. It's easy to overlook how much tension the body holds, resulting from thoughts, especially the category of thought that is automatic or self-generated. Once the mind is successfully brought to still, clear focus on a single object, whether that's your breath or a candle flame, the body naturally unbuckles in a surprising manner. Body and brain always work as a team.

So I always meditate before projection attempts, at least thirty minutes. Actually I meditate every day, but especially before projections because meditation also allows your energy centers to naturally expand and flow. There are many great texts on this, but I suggest you investigate Mindfulness meditation, or Google Vipassana. Just don't overcomplicate it.

So that's the foundation for me. From there I can do progressive relaxation to excellent results. Hot showers. Yoga an hour before, these are all highly recommended as well.

Best luck,


11th February 2013, 02:25 AM
I consider most meditative practices to be mental relaxation exercises, but progressive muscle relaxation is a physical relaxation exercise. I usually do physical relaxation in the beginning of training, move on to light energy work and then finish with mental relaxation, with various forms of meditative techs (mindfulness being one) until I feel that trance is easily attained.

The way I practice progressive muscle relaxation is a little different that what I have seen taught lately- I start at the feet, and move up the legs, torso (back first, belly next) and go up with the head/face being last.
I usually lightly tense (barely perceptibly) the part (for example, I start with the feet) and then relax them to the point of feeling them melt. The relaxing after tensing takes longer and is more pronounced (goes from tensing to relaxing, to relaxing more, to relaxing until it melts into the cushion- like that.) When I go through this process, I do the face last- and when I'm doing the facial relaxation part, once I've tensed and relaxed, and relaxed again, I consciously wipe any expression from my face, all the way to my forehead. I can't tell you how relaxing this is.
When I'm done, and I've done all the conscious part-by part relaxation that I can, I then imagine my body is a lump of butter and feel it sinking into the bed or recliner. Then I'm ready for the breathing, or mindfulness, or whatever comes next.

11th February 2013, 10:38 AM
There are many ways how to relax, from tensing/relaxing muscles, over Autogenic training, up to visualization exercises.
One of these visualizations contains an orb of white light, which slowly moves through your body, relaxing it bit by bit. It takes some time before you get a hang of it, but after that it's a really good relaxation exercise.
Regarding the importance and effects of relaxation I recommend you to read this article: http://akenu.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/oath-breaker-meditation.html

12th February 2013, 01:45 PM
thanks for replies! i have some questions
can you personally relax to the point until you completely loose sense of your body? is that possible? i experience a sort of like a dissociation from my senses the deeper i relax.

12th February 2013, 02:24 PM
Yup. That's actually a sign of properly executed relaxation.

13th March 2013, 07:23 PM
Yup. That's actually a sign of properly executed relaxation.
:) So I want to ask you how exactly do you achieve this dissociation from your body? what technique do you use? is it the orb you mentioned earlier if so could you explain it in a little more detail? how long does it take to completely dissociate from the body?

13th March 2013, 09:10 PM
:) So I want to ask you how exactly do you achieve this dissociation from your body? what technique do you use? is it the orb you mentioned earlier if so could you explain it in a little more detail? how long does it take to completely dissociate from the body?

First of all: Comfort. You need to be in comfortable position first. Any felt pressures, itching or pain will make it harder, use a position and support that is comfortable to you (a sofa, maybe).
After you found your preferable comfort you can begin with relaxation exercise. If you are imagination type, you can use an imagination of white orb of light slowly moving through your body and relaxing each part.
If you are affirmation type, you can go Autogenic Training. There is nice article about Autogenic Training with sample routine on Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autogenic_training

If you are physical type, stretch, tense and relax each of your muscles, for that purpose a little stretching exercise before taking the comfortable position will strengthen the effect.

After you are done with relaxation exercise, just sit still. Don't move and think about surface of the lake as it reflects Moon during a warm Spring night.