View Full Version : Short projection - (other-)self control!

9th February 2013, 11:36 AM
Robert, Greetings from rainy England!

I have a quick question:

I've been listening to some of your archived radio interviews recently and in one you mentioned that when leading group AP classes you would often see your students, who had originally intended to keep their projections to a short 10 or 20 seconds, get out of their body and then abandon this plan and go exploring - thus forgetting the entire projection experience. Is this common, and how would you program yourself to make sure that your double keeps it's end of the bargain and comes back after the agreed time?!

I am wondering if this is what's happening to me, as I often will meditate/trance until full body vibrations come on, at which point I will either try to 'coax' them and use some exit techniques or I will try to be completely passive and do nothing in an attempt to 'let something happen'. Unfortunately whatever I do seems to lead to the same outcome.. the vibrations will continue for a minute or so, increasing in intesity, then reach a peak and then suddenly in about 5-10 seconds reduce to nothing, leaving me calmly back in trance again. Frustrating! Do you think that I am projecting and not remembering it? I certainly intend to take your advice and keep a projection short - but hearing what you said about your students, how can I be sure that I'm not projecting and then abandoning this intention? Is there any way to make sure I stick to the plan? Also any other advice in general?... I feel the answer may be practice, practice, practice! :)

I really appreciate you giving your time freely to your forum members here - thanks!

Robert Bruce
5th March 2013, 02:25 PM
Yes, it sounds like you are projecting but losing the memory download...possibly by staying out too long.

The trick is to reenter deliberately with strong emotion, passionately shouting your success and a key word or two.

If after the vibrations you can actually physically move, which is often not easy to ascertain, then you may have reentered on plan but not captured the memory. Often, in that situation, you will be moving in your energy body within your physical body, but not actually physically moving. It feels the same.

Just keep practicing...and you will get it.

The best way to program yourself to stick to plan is with affirmations. Say them aloud as much as possible...your intention to OBE, to keep it short, and to remember everything. And do not just parrot them...try to say them better each time, as if you were practicing for a presentation. You can also record this and play it on very low during sleep.

I also recommend you try OBE from a chair with no head support. Every time you drift off, your head will drop and pull you back. This may happen hundreds of times in a single attempt, but every not of your head gives you the chance of capturing a few seconds of OBE. And time is stretched during OBE, even in real time...so ten seconds out will feel longer.

Lucid dreaming methods are also great, as LD is a type of OBE...a mental body projection, which is much easier to recall. LD gives you experience with OBE and with downloading the memories. So this is a great way to go.

good luck, robert