View Full Version : Energy work makes me tired

16th June 2006, 01:36 AM
Whenever I do energy work it makes me really tired ive been doing it on and off for awhile but since ive been sticking to doing energy work everyday i find that I get tired and seem to sleep in more and fall asleep faster will this pass after i have increased the energy flow in my body?
If this has been asked already im sorry I searched the forums. Ive been doing energy workouts for like 2-4 hours a day or longer at my job because i do nothing. Ive been doing energy work for maybe a few weeks, and have only recently put alot of work into increasing my energy body and clearing up blocked area's. :oops: wish i didnt have to ask this but seeing as though im curious ill ask :oops:

16th June 2006, 04:35 AM
Actually this is a good sign, it means your getting a lot of work done!

Eventually 2-4 hours will seem normal and your energy will increase dramatically. Don't forget to take a few days off a week though so as not to overstress your body. :)

16th June 2006, 07:13 AM
Hmmm, does this look like a good schedule then?

2- Days Energy work 2-5 hours a day
1- Day Total Meditation
2- Days Energy work 2-5 hours a day
1- Day Total Meditation
1- Day Total Meditation/Water or Juice Fasting(just fast once every 2 or 3 weeks not every week, until I can Fast for 3 days then wait 3 weeks till I fast again)

Is this ok you think :roll:

21st June 2006, 12:28 AM
Sounds like an awful lot of energy work and meditation. Especially if you are talking about meditating all day long? Slow and steady will be more likely to keep you out of trouble and make you stronger in the long run. I made the mistake of pushing myself too hard too fast, and WOW! did I ever pay for it. That was almost a year ago, and I'm still paying for it. See my very first post on AD for an example of what pushing yourself can do. Balance is probably the most important thing...and that not only means chakra and energy body balance, that means eating, exercising, socializing, and working on your psychological health. What's the rush? Eternity is a long time! :D How much time do you spend on loving...others AND yourself? Very, very important!

21st June 2006, 02:09 AM
I do most my energy work at my 3pm-11pm job as a security officer for 3hours its slow and for 5hours its basically dead. I love to hang out with friends and family over energy work and meditation anyday. When I meditate I usually spend as long as I can before im interupted and go to a friends house aka 1hour to whenever someone calls me or interupts me. When doing energy it takes me awhile to get relaxed and to start energy work, then about the time I start getting results I have to do another patrol (1 every hour) or someone needs me to do something.

1. By Slow and Steady do you mean meditating for like an hour and slowly working up to a longer period of time? Sometimes I find myself meditating for up to 5 or 7 hours and it only seems like its only been an hour, In my free time I love to either try to do some energy work or Meditate this of course is when nobody is around to hang out with.
2. So I shouldnt be doing that much energy work? Right now im just trying to get rid of all my energy blockages to allow a better flow of energy.
3. How long do you think I should work on clearing up my energy body and build-up/storage and meditation work?

26th June 2006, 10:29 PM
We are all quite different especiall ywhen it comes to this sort of stuff. If your doing this much work and theres no problems I don't see whats wrong with doing that much.

(Lol the image of a security guard in deep meditation is a funny one)

Personally I can't do too much as it is a bit like weight lifting for me. If I do too much I get short cicuited.

I think routine is another key thing here. So if your doing that much meditation and energy work and then your suddenly in a position where you can't spend that much time doing it (staying with family etc) it can come as a shock to your body if you suddenly miss two days or so.

27th June 2006, 12:31 AM
Actually everyone that knows that I meditate at work thinks its quite funny and I have to agree with you, ppl walking by and im just sitting there with my eyes closed ppl think im asleep. So I have learned to also do light meditation with my eyes open, then it freaks them out cuz im not moving staring at a wall or black comp screen. Prolly think im nuts but gotta find time sometime during the day to increase my willpower by not bursting out laughing... :oops: :oops:

27th June 2006, 01:14 AM
Have you seen the guards around Buckingham Palace either in a movie or in real life? It's pretty funny. They stand and stare forward their whole shift, but make little rituals with changing position once in awhile. People (tourists) go up to them and wave, jump around, and act ridiculous to get them to break their concentration. You would make a good Palace guard. :lol:

27th June 2006, 06:26 AM
Hmmm, does this look like a good schedule then?

2- Days Energy work 2-5 hours a day
1- Day Total Meditation
2- Days Energy work 2-5 hours a day
1- Day Total Meditation
1- Day Total Meditation/Water or Juice Fasting(just fast once every 2 or 3 weeks not every week, until I can Fast for 3 days then wait 3 weeks till I fast again)

Is this ok you think :roll:

Stick to it and you'll build up a nice reserviour of energy as well as develop some advanced energy pathways :)

Actually everyone that knows that I meditate at work thinks its quite funny and I have to agree with you, ppl walking by and im just sitting there with my eyes closed ppl think im asleep. So I have learned to also do light meditation with my eyes open, then it freaks them out cuz im not moving staring at a wall or black comp screen. Prolly think im nuts but gotta find time sometime during the day to increase my willpower by not bursting out laughing... :oops: :oops:

...And with how much you practice NEW should be attainable from a non-trance state, so you should be able to do light work that doesn't require much concentration while doing NEW.

27th June 2006, 01:33 PM
I sometimes meditate or do the NEW system at work. People never realize it though, they think I'm just resting my head as well.

As a side note, although it does make it harder, you can meditate even with your eyes open. It can be a good practice, as it allows teaches you how to focus even with all your senses working.

27th June 2006, 01:35 PM
I always announce I'm going to take a nap, and then meditate. No one knows the difference.

Aunt Clair
3rd July 2006, 07:35 AM
Whenever I do energy work it makes me really tired ive been doing it on and off for awhile but since ive been sticking to doing energy work everyday i find that I get tired and seem to sleep in more and fall asleep faster will this pass after i have increased the energy flow in my body?
If this has been asked already im sorry I searched the forums. Ive been doing energy workouts for like 2-4 hours a day or longer at my job because i do nothing. Ive been doing energy work for maybe a few weeks, and have only recently put alot of work into increasing my energy body and clearing up blocked area's. :oops: wish i didnt have to ask this but seeing as though im curious ill ask :oops:

The extra need for sleep can be a result of more dreamstate lessons . The exhaustion can come from the development of the alchemical structures within the energy body which need a lot of energy to develop . Also you are draining away toxins blockages and deep cleansing the body which takes up energy too .

Always open in protection and when you are feeling a need for more energy ask your guides to help you and sit a moment and draw in fresh prana with deep breaths . The cobra breaths and other forms of Kriya Yoga can be very helpful . You will pass through this and become a stronger generator of energy as you continue to develop . Also learn to raise energy when you are done with work and shield to store it . If you read about tan tiens, and Robert Bruce's work on storage centres and NEW you can learn to replace and conserve more of what you use up .

3rd July 2006, 08:55 AM
Tony, I think I'll become a security guard! I wish I had that much time to do energy work. Still, long, long assemblies and exam supervisions work for me. :wink: