View Full Version : Shower!

Neil Templar
30th January 2013, 10:21 AM
I'm in a house - my house - but it's not any house from my life.
It has many floors, 5 or 6 that i am aware of.
I'm with H, my gf, and there are quite a few other people, who seem to be occupants too. They are all familiar, i know i know them, but i don't know any of them from this lifetime.

Most of the action takes place in the hallway, the stairs lead up and down to the other floors.
On each landing there are a number of doors to various rooms.
I think 3 on each floor, at least.

In one room, water starts to pour thru the ceiling.
"The shower!" Yells H, assuming the shower upstairs must be leaking. (my shower at home has recently had a leak fixed, so this makes sense)

We go to another room, possibly on another floor, and again, water starts to pour thru the ceiling.
Again H says "the shower is still leaking!"
In the hallway, i meet a man. I know him, yet i know we haven't met yet.
He asks about the water. I tell him it's coming from upstairs, in the attic.
We 3 go upstairs a few floors, and on each floor we find water pouring thru from above.
I tell him he's gonna have to go to the source, which is in the attic.
By now it is clear that the water is flowing freely from the top of the building right thru to the lowest floor.
He asks where the attic is. I tell him, "top floor, there you'll find 3 doors. It's the middle door. Tho i've never actually been in there."

30th January 2013, 01:23 PM

30th January 2013, 01:54 PM
I think you saw a phenomenon I've read about. Energy flows from the topmost subplane of each plane down into the lower subplanes and "filters through" all those subplanes on its way down. It would make sense then that the "leak" would be in the attic, and that you would expect the house in total to have so many floors. :)

Going to the source, eh? ;) The highest sub-plane of each plane is most closely connected to the Source. :)

Neil Templar
30th January 2013, 07:01 PM
Oliver that's interesting. I hadn't considered the floors as being sub-planes, although that seems obvious now that you've said it.
I was kinda thinking it was some kind of "oversoul" experience, the energy flowing from source, and the rooms/occupants representing lifetimes i'm living...