View Full Version : Hi Robert, what are your dietary reccomendations?

23rd January 2013, 08:07 PM
And what type of diet do you eat?


Robert Bruce
4th February 2013, 01:49 AM
First off, one needs to take full responsibility for ones diet and health. This is key to good health.

A diet of unprocessed whole foods, organic if possible, supported with a good selection of supplements, especially colloidal minerals, is a must these days. If you can't find organic food, wash and scrub your veges well before eating.

Good sources of practical health and diet information can be found here http://www.mercola.com and http://naturalsociety.com (http://www.naturalsociety.com)

Do your own research and do not trust health advice you are exposed to in popular media. In fact, I tend to do the opposite and find this is a generally healthy approach...with some common sense applied of course. So if it is advertized that one should not eat more than one avocado a week, I'll eat one daily.

Avoid high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and grains.

See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z5X0i92OZQ

Avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague.

Avoid all GMO, and support GMO labeling.

Try to get hold of good quality raw milk, butter and cheese.

Learn to cook from scratch. And cook with butter and high quality oils only. Avoid canola oil (which is processed rape seed oil) and other cheap oils. I use Grape Seed oil and Olive oil, plus butter and coconut oil. Butter can also be warmed and filtered through a paper towel to remove milk solids and produce ghee, which is great for all round cooking if you don't want the butter taste.

I mix a teaspoon each of cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and a little nutmeg into a little oil, with a dash of black pepper, coconut cream, and a dash of hot water, every day. This is a kind of cureall that will do wonders for your health and treat a variety of health conditions.

Discover the joys and benefits of vinegars and use them.

Eat plenty of free range eggs, preferably half cooked so the yolks are still runny.

Eat a handful of nuts and seeds every day, including Brazil nuts, almonds, and walnuts.

Eat half of your food raw....and take raw juices you have made yourself.

Get a food dehydrator and make your own chips and snacks.

Eat fermented foods daily, including sauerkraut.

Eat a little Brie cheese every day (vitamin K2)

Get an Reverse Osmosis water filter, and avoid anything containing fluoride.

Watch this... http://www.mercola.com (http://www.mercola.com) for a great doco on this topic

Note...fluoride builds up in your pineal gland and reduces psychic abilities, as well as being terrible for health in general.

Always take good RO water with you when you go out. I always have a canteen of good water with me.

If you have any health issues, explore TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine and alternatives, including acupuncture. Find a good alternative nutritionist.

For good health, focus on supporting your immune system. And your body will then take care of itself.

Get some sun each day with lots of skin exposure. Vitamin D is key to keeping your immune system healthy.

Do not use sunscreen. If you are going to be out in the sun a lot, wear a hat and a shirt.

If you like soda and beer, try to make your own. They are very easy to make. Google some 'home made' recipes.

The above is a description of my diet and approach to health in general.

I also take zero medication of any kind.

For millions of years, humans have taken care of their own health. We are in the process of forgetting how to do this.
