View Full Version : Natural Supplements

17th January 2013, 08:36 AM
Hi Robert,
Are there any natural supplements that could assist naturally to help induce OBE or Lucid Dreaming? Like serotonin or melatonin, or 5HTP?


Robert Bruce
19th January 2013, 10:18 AM
Yes, there are special lucid dreaming (also applies to all forms of OBE) supplements you can purchase. These contain Galantamine and Choline (sp)

Go to http://www.brainwave-entrainment.com/

Marc is an expert in the use of supplements for LD and OBE.

You can email Marc and ask him what supplements he recommends, the guy running this site (a friend) and he will reply.

You can also buy, if you google, lucid dreaming capsules with the same stuff in them.

These are used with the 'awaken and back to bed' method, for best results. EG, sleep for 6 hours, get up (take sup here) for 30 min so you are awake. Then go back to bed and fall asleep. This procedure greatly enhances your chances of LD and OBE.


20th January 2013, 01:27 PM
That's great, thanks Robert and thanks for the link.
