View Full Version : Removing a few negs

9th January 2013, 11:10 PM
Hello Robert,
I'm new to the site and find it fascinating. Thank you!

Recently, I've been having some neg problems. When I sleep, the same female neg comes about. I see my family usually, and make a decision, and she shows up and I book it. She shot my grandmother the other night. Was wondering how to remove these things. I've had trouble sleeping recently, and when I do finally fall asleep, I go into dreams of these negs, and sometimes I wake and feel vibrations, which hasn't happened often, but I'm hesitant on follow these vibs when they feel awkward or negative.

I've never truly projected, but am looking forward to it. Lucid dreams every night for the past 3 years. I've had great visions of, yep, you guessed it, Yoda, and other cool people.

Once, I had seen Yoda and rolled over and went back to sleep and was in a bad place, with some people I think are "real"/physical. I woke and drank a cup of coffee, which I had requested in the dream and was denied, and I said the word "profound" and dark, metallic sparks flew from my chest. I've seen rays, and see blue floaters often.

Anywho, I've gone on long enough. What do you think? Removing the first neg is a priority to me. I've, as of two days ago, been using NEW techniques, tearing, brushing. They feel good. Will this help? Change people, places, things, etc.?


15th January 2013, 04:51 AM
Easily fixed, thank you!

Robert Bruce
4th February 2013, 01:08 AM
Energy work is a great help, but only part of the cure. I suggest you study my book 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook' as this deals with the type of issues you are having.

Becoming more conscious and aware in your dream/OBE state will help enormously. You are in control at all times, if you are aware enough to realize it. You can change things at will.
