View Full Version : Elementals in Wolves clothing

Neil Templar
9th January 2013, 10:54 AM
I had another brush with the elemental energies last night - this time they took the shape of wolves, which has happened before.
As before, one of them was pushing his luck, trying to bite my hand as i was attempting to be friendly and stroke his fur.
Something new was apparent this time tho - they had a keeper. A guide of sorts, perhaps/more likely, a higher aspect of myself, who was literally like a zookeeper, in charge of them. I had to ask for his assistance, when the most aggressive one wouldn't let go of my hand.
i was amazed by the intelligence in their eyes. I woke thinking "wolves are far more intelligent than household dogs!"

9th January 2013, 01:46 PM
Hello, Neil.

The reference would be to the "animalistic intelligence" of elementals. This one can especially be seen when they are acting out, sometimes seens as phenomena as "self-sabotage" or the Shadow.

An elemental bites the hand that does not (properly) feed it.

Neil Templar
11th January 2013, 01:53 PM
Hi Oliver.
How would i determine which of the elementals i am dealing with, when one is playing up like this?

11th January 2013, 01:57 PM
Bookmarking it- want to know the answer too.
I imagine it's 'earth', because in my mind, a bird would be air and a fish would be water. I don't know what would be fire? A giraffe would be something in between? :shrug:

11th January 2013, 02:00 PM
Fire fly or glow-worm ;-)

11th January 2013, 02:10 PM
Fire fly or glow-worm ;-):thumbsup:

Neil Templar
11th January 2013, 02:39 PM
Remember, we're talking about Elementals as in Kurt's use of the word, rather than it's traditional use so, it's either the etheric, astral or mental elemental.

11th January 2013, 03:05 PM
Ok, then, hmmm..... :shrug:

12th January 2013, 11:30 AM
Hello, Neil.

I can't tell which elemental it is because you give no clue what sets the individual wolves apart.

There's a keeper of the elementals present - that's interesting. Also that you recognise him as such and address him. This connection might become useful in the future.

I've had a similar experience myself: I was attacked by three different dogs. At the same I had a picture in my mind of the same dogs being docile while being led on a leash by another person. It was a reminder to do my part in keeping the elementals in line. The dogs prevented me from going further uphill - only aligned elementals enable the access to the higher planes.