View Full Version : Female Presence Spanning Multiple Dreams

5th January 2013, 03:53 AM
Hi All,

Hope everyone had a nice Holiday Season and is taking in the New Year with bright, focused intent on your paths.

This past week I had some interesting dreams and I thought I'd get your take.

First night: I am in school again. Only this time I'm not late to class or fretting because I've ditched all year and now need to catch up in math. This time I'm at the right point in my progression and am greeted by several people. There is a strong female presence there, I think she has light brown hair and she hugs me. The connection is so warm, focused, and even slightly erotic. I have to go to a higher class that afternoon and she guides me when I get lost on the very large campus.

Second night: The woman with brown hair is with a younger woman, also with brown hair, and they are singing in an auditorium. The song is almost like a diddy from commercial, something short, rehearsed and to the point about being aware of women, almost as if they were endangered by crossing the road.

Third night: The woman with brown hair appears as a coworker, almost an authority, but again there's a romantic component. It's unspoken, but I am aware it's there.

We'll see what happens tonight. I suppose one could point to a guide or something of that nature, but I'm thinking the threepeat may be suggesting something I've not yet figured out.

Your thoughts?


5th January 2013, 04:29 AM
... late to class or fretting because I've ditched all year and now need to catch up in math.
LOL! I've had variations on that dream so many times! With me, I often find myself facing a final exam in a class I thought I had formally dropped, and so didn't attend at all.

My experience and insight with "back to school" dreams is that they're absolutely about learning. They represent a period of your life that is primarily dedicated to learning something new, some new way of seeing, of living, that sort of thing. I used to get them very regularly, but I seem to have graduated now (I had a dream where I had graduated but was still hanging around at the school; obvious symbolism there, I think).

This time I'm at the right point in my progression and am greeted by several people. There is a strong female presence there, I think she has light brown hair and she hugs me. The connection is so warm, focused, and even slightly erotic. I have to go to a higher class that afternoon and she guides me when I get lost on the very large campus.
Interesting. Some people would suggest that this is your spirit guide (and that may be the case). My perspective is so odd now (much wider and far more fluid) that I would say this represents an aspect of yourself. What does "female" mean to you? Nurturing? Maybe an idealised mother-goddess type figure (this does not preclude erotic overtones in any classic archetype)? Something else?

The woman with brown hair is with a younger woman, also with brown hair, and they are singing in an auditorium. The song is almost like a diddy from commercial, something short, rehearsed and to the point about being aware of women, almost as if they were endangered by crossing the road.
If this does represent an aspect of yourself (some part you identify as more feminine than masculine), perhaps you feel that aspect of yourself is in some sort of peril? Or pehaps you just need to notice it and pay attention to it?

The woman with brown hair appears as a coworker, almost an authority, but again there's a romantic component. It's unspoken, but I am aware it's there.
You know, my instinct is really strong that this woman represents an aspect of yourself, a personified, archetypical aspect of self. If you meditate, you might try gently intending to speak with her, to ask her what she represents (I've had luck with that, but you have to be careful not to "force" it too much. It's good to get into an alpha state and just let the situation unfold totally as it will, without too much interference or conscious direction.)

The trio of dreams to me just suggests that this woman -- whatever she represents -- is important, and you need to pay attention to her. Of course, the first step is going to be working out who she is and/or what she represents.

If you're lucky, Korpo will see this and step in with his thoughts. He's extremely good at the dream thing. He's got quite a gift for it, I've found.

5th January 2013, 04:04 PM
Hello, SoulSail.

The woman seems to be a guide or helper as you said - the role of co-worker (somebody who works with you) seems to suggest that as well. The erotic undertones often happen because of the potential of higher body merges, often misinterpreted as offers to sexual contact by dreamers. This can also be present in kisses, touching, hugs and embraces.

The school would indicate a higher plane like the astral or mental, whereas the campus is the wider plane itself.

Her presence in three different nights seems to suggest an inner sense has come online or is being trained - the one where you pick up the same ident and recognise the person associated with it. So, you're to remember and recognise this entity when it appears again.

Older/younger as well as taller/smaller often help identifying differences in quality or development of persons or entities. Another inner sense impression rendered into a visual image.

The impression of being late to class may mean that you feel you have to catch up in one aspect of your life (here the nonphysical one) with the developments that have happened elsewhere (the physical one, what you did instead of "studying"). Math is often used to represent more advanced topics, as most people consider math to be hard. :)

5th January 2013, 05:22 PM
Well, everyone seems to have said what I thought, so I'll add a detail or two that goes with what everyone said:
IMO the woman is your anima (in Jungian terms it jibes with the 'self aspect' and 'guide' archetypes. The school theme is self explanatory.
The number three is symbolic (IMHO) of growth- the third is the growth that comes from the two opposing or complimentary forces- so you have growth, sublimated female aspect/guide, and school. So congrats, a growth spurt is happening.

6th January 2013, 07:28 PM
Thanks all for your input here. As I posted this and began thinking more on the dreams, more has come to light. I now remember that while this woman escorted me to my next class we were surrounded by other men. We were all young. Those men each were carrying on conversations or acting out behaviors. I became distracted by these guys for a moment, my guide did not, she only smiled kindly when their tone or actions were careless or crude.

I understand now that those other men were, in fact, me in different forms, different states of being. That adds to the richness a fair amount as I see specific things I need to work on, things that are distracting me from my next level.

Also, I probably chose the wrong word when I said her hug was "erotic." Close, but more toward being highly affectionate in a way I simply cannot explain. It's probably normal for a man to write in some sexual aspect. There really are no words to describe how bone-deep that sense of belonging and affection was.

Two nights have passed and she hasn't shown up in direct form, but my dreams are no less becoming very direct about hindrances toward my evolution. I'm focusing more on integration than ever before. No more reading a dozen books a month, no more wild conjecturing about what an experience is or was, I'm taking the thread through the needle now and working with grace to move it through one day to the next.

Thank you all for such thoughtful input, I am always grateful to those that take time.


8th January 2013, 08:28 AM
Many good ideas have been put forth... my 2 cents is about being aware or careful of women (feminine energy) crossing the road. I've had dreams of "crossing the road" and often they've entailed risk - danger such as being almost wiped out by a large speeding yellow truck... lol. When we cross a road perhaps it signifies a mental boundary, or a boundary or demarcation between "sides" defined by the type of "vehicles" that travel it.... why did the woman cross the road? To get to the "other side" :-).

18th July 2017, 05:13 PM
It's been 4 years, 6 months and a few days since I originally made this post. I won't say much because I'm reluctant to spring too many interpretations into life that aren't accurate, but this was a pre-cognitive dream. I get those now and then.

The "guide" in the dream turns out to be a real person, someone I'm currently involved with. A incredibly advanced being.

I have to go to a higher class that afternoon and she guides me when I get lost on the very large campus

Class is finally in session. This is for real. Pay attention to those dreams, folks.

(Isaiah 46:10: "Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.")

One more little note... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDM1bZz3gQk)


18th July 2017, 05:48 PM

19th July 2017, 04:37 AM
The "guide" in the dream turns out to be a real person, someone I'm currently involved with. A incredibly advanced being.

Thanks for the update! I'm happy for you.

If you don't mind me asking, what makes you believe the person you met is the same woman that you saw in those dreams. And what do you mean by "incredibly advanced being"?

19th July 2017, 05:55 AM
I recognized and continue to recognize her. Almost like her chord, or energetic signature, as they say. Also physically the same.

Why advanced?

she can stop a cobra from striking with bare hands, complete serenity, and then sing it love songs, meaning, it's more than I can share here. But I will never be the same.
