View Full Version : energy work and 'charisma'

2nd January 2013, 04:52 PM
hey rob, happy new year

I was on the main page of the website and reading more into the NEW and saw a post written by Donni hakanson. she mentions how doing energy work increases charisma and well being.

I've acually been reading a old book that talks about the development of personal magnetism (energy) in this aspect. I also have another pdf that talks about developing the spirt/energy body causes others to notice something different about you.

This is acually a subject I've been looking into for a while, I was wondering do you have any expereince or knowledge of this subject, that is energy work effecting a person's 'charisma' or responses of others?

PS. I've begun to notice that everytime I come to your website, I gain a feeling of happyness, that other online energy communites dont seem to habe at all, I really enjoy coming here. :)

Robert Bruce
19th January 2013, 10:10 AM
Energy work, and spiritual development in general, changes your energy signature.

In time, this will make you more charismatic and attractive to others.

It will also repel those that are not in tune with this.

There is an energy 'attraction and repulsion' factor in human existence. This is most clearly shown by how we are attracted to some people and repulsed by others, often for no apparent reason.

some people are good for you, and some are not good for you.

Astrology (real astrology) is one way that can get a glimpse of the attraction and repulsion human mechanism. And this can be fairly said to be 'written in the stars'.

The only way to work with this factor is to follow your intuition and go with what feels good.

First impressions are important, as you will automatically 'read' a new person the moment you meet them, for just a few seconds. These impressions are more accurate than the intellectual impression you will get of a person by talking with them. We often ignore 'first impressions' but the 'first impression' rule is fairly solid. To work with this one needs to capture those first impressions and heed them. This relates to the 'gestalt' of remote viewing, where the target is perceived in a heartbeat and all the analysis that follows is based on looking at that moment of gestalt.

All this applies to personal magnetism. The more your energy and personality grows, the more powerful, influential, and widely attractive you become to others.


22nd January 2013, 12:00 AM
Thank you for your insight Rob

I've noticed how important this is, especially with jobs and work.

had alot of jobs where I was the only one working, yet those who the bosses liked were the only ones who kept there. Now that I'm a sales asociate and keeping my job depends on my ability to interact with people.

I noticed my boss's ability to defuse a negative situation in seconds, thats a talaent I'd love to have.

thanks again Rob