View Full Version : Process Configuration?

31st December 2012, 01:10 PM
Hi,I read the previous thread by Sono 2 and noted a reply by Korpo about seeing sketches being drawn.
I had a lovely experience on Christmas morning which was gruesome to watch but I know it was a good sign.

I was in a room with about 5-6 people, all sitting down.Felt like a classroom.
A man with a soft voice ( felt like teacher) came and sat directly in front of me to show me something and talk to me .
He sketched a large face with a smaller similar face just above it to the left,
He said " I know this person and she has a kind heart "
Just then he turns round and looks behind him and I look in the same direction.
This is the gruesome bit
Watching like a large tv screen a pregnant lady is being supported by 2 men. One on either side of her.
Then a large snake entered her body from her right arm and seemed to lodge in her

31st December 2012, 01:14 PM
Sorry, happened again only part was auto saved.
Could someone offer their take on that, I know it was gruesome to watch but felt there was no pain in the process and it was a good sign.
Process configuration mentioned by Korpo is the bit I'm trying to understand more clearly. Thanks.

31st December 2012, 01:16 PM
Oops, sorry, lodges in her Heart.

1st January 2013, 09:46 AM
Hello, susan.

This seems to be not so much a process configuration being laid out, but "sketchy communication." There's some communication going on between you and the man energetically, and he tries to explain what he's transmitting while he's doing that to help you develop that communication.

The gruesome scene seems to be an example of such sketchy communication - it seems a bit distorted during the translation process. Pregnancy can have many meanings, including "being ready" or "antipation" or "bringing through/into this world." The snake could mean energy, and the heart could mean the heart center's function in translating energy - it identifies the nature or function of an energy.

It could also be connected to the "kind heart" comment earlier in the experience. In this sense the energy would have entered her heart, increasing the quality of kindness. The two faces - one small and one big - from the sketch could then denote mother and the child. The gruesome scene would then be another attempt to translate the "sketchy" energy information from earlier - this time by rendering it into a dream/vision scene.

The important thing to note here is not necessarily the message, but there are still problems in the translation process. This will result in translations that may seem a bit bizarre or use unhelpful pictures. The translation process will look for the closest pictures in your mind to translate energy into physically processable and communicable information. At the beginning that process is still rather coarse and will result in words and images that may reside within a group of association of the term that would more exactly express it. This will develop from rather bizarre to barely making sense to possibly short, but understandable to more clear communication. This will also involve developing the 4th (function), 5th (communication) and 6th (analysis) chakras of the energy body involved.

The hand/arm might be involved because the first energy information sense to come online is what Kurt calls "vibrational touch." Maybe reading the information given about the inner senses in "The Multidimensional Human" will make your translations a bit clearer.

Aunt Clair
5th January 2013, 04:38 AM
Hi,I read the previous thread by Sono 2 and noted a reply by Korpo about seeing sketches being drawn.
I had a lovely experience on Christmas morning which was gruesome to watch but I know it was a good sign.

I was in a room with about 5-6 people, all sitting down.Felt like a classroom.
A man with a soft voice ( felt like teacher) came and sat directly in front of me to show me something and talk to me .
He sketched a large face with a smaller similar face just above it to the left,
He said " I know this person and she has a kind heart "
Just then he turns round and looks behind him and I look in the same direction.
This is the gruesome bit
Watching like a large tv screen a pregnant lady is being supported by 2 men. One on either side of her.
Then a large snake entered her body from her right arm and seemed to lodge in her heart

I am not familiar with the term process configuration would you please refer me to a link or definition?

However, what you relate seems to be a dreamstate lesson in an astral classroom concerning Kundalini which has the archetype of the snake, serpent, dragon, et cetera.

Although the primary Kundalini events enter the perineum and run up the spinal chakra column called the Tree of Life, subsequent events occur in the limbs which manifest mini Trees of Life in this order;

Upper arm

The entrance to the arms is at the joins in this order;
from the shoulder down as a secondary flow off from a Primary Kundalini Event on the spine
from the wrist upward expressed through the elbow and later through the shoulder
from the shoulder expressed downward through the elbow and later wrists
from the arm through the wrists and palm downward to the fingertips

Robert Bruce has written about the heart being the pump of the human energy body. It is a natural resting place for a Kundalini serpent. For example, the massive cobras entering the perineum rise up through the belly and often lay exhausted in the energy heart until they can rise further up to the brow. In one event the first serpent waits until another joins it . They both lie exhausted but stimulated by the next kundalini event they join in coitus and writhe both enter the brow and a golden clutch of eggs are laid in the head of the magickian which manifests the golden bowl named in Ecclesiastes of the Bible which is one of the sections that has been called the "Biblical Emerald Tablet";

Ecc 12:6 Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don't wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring , or the wheel broken at the cistern,

The silver cord is the subtle energy filament attached like an umbilical cord to the new projector.
The golden bowl is inverted and drips golden honey or shen from the skull cap downward manifesting a golden treasure in the upper or female tan tien.
The wheel is the wheel of life or Samsara /reincarnation. In the Gnostic apocrypha Christ teaches about reincarnation and teaches that he manifested the principle archangels Samael, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael et cetera in past lives.

When the cobra eggs hatch this sounds like bees humming.

Golden elemental energy is necessary to develop clairvoyance. The upper or female tan tien is a channel or wick which draws energy from the heart to the brow and runs from the mature core of the chest or Sunstone to the core of the Moonstone or head. The "treasure" of this mature tan tien is called Shen or fire by the Taoist alchemists and similarly by Hebrew Kaballahists.

The serpents of Kundalini are snake like forms of Divine Reciprocal energy which enter the energy body of the magickian when their vibration has ascended enough to trigger an equal and opposite reaction. So when the magickian predictably becomes hermaphroditic and neutral gendered watery purple instead of dichotomised blue male or red female then the hot fire of the kundalini serpent enters the human energy body writhing up the spine. This clairvoyantly appears as a serpent of energy and feels like one clairsentiently, also.

Magickians do have dreamstate lessons concerning events which will soon take place in their own human energy body. Kundalini events are precipitated by attunements and by pathworking in a predictable continuum. I suggest to you that you are ripe to receive the kundalini energy in your arms.

10th January 2013, 12:07 AM
I'm also curious about the term "process configuration". Could someone please explain it?

19th January 2013, 10:35 PM
I'm also curious about the term "process configuration". Could someone please explain it?

Thank you for your replies.
So much is happening.
Have just returned from a 2 week holiday and have felt that nothing was relevant.

Had a wonderful full sunshine holiday. Relaxing on sun bed for 2 weeks. Plenty of food and alcohol . Went on a trip to swim with dolphins. Paid to do it . Got to the enclosure where the dolphins were. Could have joined people...but...

Felt Immense sadness at the enclosure they were trapped in ,,no freedom to where they belong.. Their face looks happy because of the shape of their mouth.
People Talk of their experiences (. paying to swim with dolphins. )
Does anyone think beyond the dolphin's appearance and how is this right that they are trapped from the rest of the sea world which is their world. .

Forgive me , but had to get this off my chest as this reaction has surprised me myself.
Loads to comment on concerning above replies. Will submit tommorow

21st January 2013, 09:39 PM
I have so much written in my dream journal which has a similar theme to key words used in Aunt Clair's wise words.
Such as
1) eggs ( being laid)
2) being involved in magician tricks. ( Out of a group of people I was the only one not to be invited to enter a small circle on the ground to learn magic tricks because. " Jean Brodie is leaving in 10 weeks" ???? The only jean Brodie I can think of was a television character who was a teacher .
3) Hermaphroditic. A year ago I was given a picture of my guide working with me.If you've read any of my posts recently he has had the most amazing pull on me and he was the most magnetic person who for 12 months or more has constantly been in my dreams with a lot of humour with it . Love and lots of humour.
Sometimes I would hear a sentence before wakening from him suggesting what I maybe shouldn't do today.
The last words I heard from him were

" we are all the same sex.. But if you want to dance with me dance because we've shared many lives"

This was a reality check that no matter what previous lives I or we may have lived , when our ( recycling) process is finished we take on both sexes .
I accept this..

22nd January 2013, 10:11 AM
I'm also curious about the term "process configuration". Could someone please explain it?

A process configuration would be an energetic shape that would not only contain a creative idea - like a piece of music - you could come up with, but also the steps of creating it and even the context it was created in.

A process configuration contains by which the music was composed and by which it unfolds in time, but also the energy transformations and spiritual wisdom encoded in it. [...] Process configurations contain not only the resolution of the artist's or thinker's problem, but also the steps necessary to realize this resolution in physical reality. When artists or thinkers seek to unravel the process configuration in time and express the solution it contains in words, pictorial images, music, mathematical equations, and so on, a translation process begins. They must find a way to realize the nonphysical energy of the process configuration in their chosen medium.(Kurt Leland, "Music and the Soul")

22nd January 2013, 02:54 PM
Ok- it's one of the books I haven't read from him. Thanks, Oliver.