View Full Version : Questions about some of your countermeasures and teachings

21st December 2012, 08:03 PM
Hello Robert,

I've got some questions I'm hoping you can awnser.

1. For EM grounding, does the amount of skin toutching a conductive and grounded surface effect how quickly entities will be removed? For example, when trying to remove a negative enitity, are grounded sheets more effective than a grounded antistatic wrist strap?

2. Does smudging in any way effect negative energies that are inside the body?

3. Do insenses that are known to have harmful effects on negs like Dragons Blood, Sage and nag champa merely repel negative energy, or do they actually destroy it?

4. This question may be somewhat unclear, but here it goes... There are many methods for the sucessful use of manifestation, and many people seem to have had success with methods and guidelines for the use of thows methods even though they directly contradict other peoples'. For example, to manifest something, some people believe that it is neccesary to counter each thought that arieses with an alternate one that affirms or gives life to the intended good. For many people merely having a single conversation about their problems with another person can undo all the efforts they've put into action to manifest something.
And there are other people who claim that they can still get things to consistenly manifest in spite of or regardless of all contrary thoughts and experiences that arise.
Also, some people think that intents must be placed as if they exist in the present moment, while others feel that it's helpful, from experience they say, to also include the the past and the future, and also, there seems to be alot of people who think that adding lots of emotion to intents is helpful, and there are also lots of other who think manifestation is more easily accomplished if it's done in a relaxed state that is void of intense emotion.

It is frequently said that beliefs help us create our realities, but beliefs aside and taken out of the equation, but with the end of a change to one's reality in mind, are there really any concrete metaphysical laws that govern the effectiveness of the methods themselves that are used for manifestation? Or, divergently, are beliefs alone what give
rise to the usefulness and suport of the sucess of all methods and procedures, and, is everyone who has experienced sucess equally correct in a sense, when they say a specific thing is valuable and useful?

And if it is possible to choose our beliefs, would it be helpful to install ones that bypass ones that say we must go through all sorts of proceedures to get things to manifest (such as controling our thoughts), and to create belieifs that give life to concepts such as, say, the idea that we can manifest things instantaneously?

5. For the applicaiton of the things in your catch basket concept, and to scuceffully start anew and to clense ones belief system, how can we be sure that we have fully extinguished what may be a false belief and that it is not still active somewhere in our systems, and if, as according to literature related to the LOA, experience is molded by our beliefs, how can we be sure that what we have expeirenced actually is closely aligned to cosmic truth if potentially false belifefs have colored and helped manifest our experiences?

6. What is a good method for removing and changing beliefs?
7. Also, I've heard you mention hypnosis in the past. Are there any books or courses that, for learning self-hypnosis, you favor more than others?


Robert Bruce
14th January 2013, 11:16 AM
I will answer in the text below,


Hello Robert,

I've got some questions I'm hoping you can awnser.

1. For EM grounding, does the amount of skin toutching a conductive and grounded surface effect how quickly entities will be removed? For example, when trying to remove a negative enitity, are grounded sheets more effective than a grounded antistatic wrist strap?

*Yes, the amount of skin contact increases the grounding effect.

2. Does smudging in any way effect negative energies that are inside the body?

*Yes, because smudging affects the entire energy body.

3. Do insenses that are known to have harmful effects on negs like Dragons Blood, Sage and nag champa merely repel negative energy, or do they actually destroy it?

*No, incense will not destroy negative energies. Sulfur does, however, destroy negative energy, when burned and used to fumigate an area. (see my book for instructions and cautions)

4. This question may be somewhat unclear, but here it goes... There are many methods for the sucessful use of manifestation, and many people seem to have had success with methods and guidelines for the use of thows methods even though they directly contradict other peoples'. For example, to manifest something, some people believe that it is neccesary to counter each thought that arieses with an alternate one that affirms or gives life to the intended good. For many people merely having a single conversation about their problems with another person can undo all the efforts they've put into action to manifest something.
And there are other people who claim that they can still get things to consistenly manifest in spite of or regardless of all contrary thoughts and experiences that arise.
Also, some people think that intents must be placed as if they exist in the present moment, while others feel that it's helpful, from experience they say, to also include the the past and the future, and also, there seems to be alot of people who think that adding lots of emotion to intents is helpful, and there are also lots of other who think manifestation is more easily accomplished if it's done in a relaxed state that is void of intense emotion.

It is frequently said that beliefs help us create our realities, but beliefs aside and taken out of the equation, but with the end of a change to one's reality in mind, are there really any concrete metaphysical laws that govern the effectiveness of the methods themselves that are used for manifestation? Or, divergently, are beliefs alone what give
rise to the usefulness and suport of the sucess of all methods and procedures, and, is everyone who has experienced sucess equally correct in a sense, when they say a specific thing is valuable and useful?

And if it is possible to choose our beliefs, would it be helpful to install ones that bypass ones that say we must go through all sorts of proceedures to get things to manifest (such as controling our thoughts), and to create belieifs that give life to concepts such as, say, the idea that we can manifest things instantaneously?

*Manifestation principles and beliefs popular today are based upon observation. This is not an exact science. It makes sense to focus your mind on what is being manifested, the intent, and to not allow anything negative to dent that. This makes manifestation more effective.

*Manifestation failures and successes are difficult to work out, or to predict. I think the reasons for this relate to the Higher Self, and subconscious beliefs. So, in order to manifest a better life, we need to undo past programming and replace it with more positive programming.

5. For the applicaiton of the things in your catch basket concept, and to scuceffully start anew and to clense ones belief system, how can we be sure that we have fully extinguished what may be a false belief and that it is not still active somewhere in our systems, and if, as according to literature related to the LOA, experience is molded by our beliefs, how can we be sure that what we have expeirenced actually is closely aligned to cosmic truth if potentially false belifefs have colored and helped manifest our experiences?

*'An unexamined life is not worth living'. The answer to your question is self reflection and self observation. This is a lifetimes work, of course.

6. What is a good method for removing and changing beliefs?

*I make up lists on paper. Revisit these every week and fine tune them. It is, again, a lifetimes work.

7. Also, I've heard you mention hypnosis in the past. Are there any books or courses that, for learning self-hypnosis, you favor more than others?

* There are many good books on this subject. The Silva mind control method is an excellent course. You could also see a live hypnotist.

To go beyond what you are doing, you will need to study MAGIC. This allows a more exact use of manifestation, because it focuses intent. Take a look at an associate website on magic www.becomealivinggod.com

