View Full Version : Eliminating chakras

7th December 2012, 05:16 AM
This will probably be a shocker but it makes more sense to me

When i started meditation, chakras didn't really feel natural, the whole visualization thing and separate energy points

Core energy however, relates more as i can feel my energy more as i relax



7th December 2012, 05:47 AM
Do whatever feels right to you. After all, it's your reality and your experience. (For what it's worth, I'm not big on chakras, either.)

By the way, putting on my Moderator Hat for a moment, you're not really supposed to be posting links until you have 20 posts or more (cuts down on spam, not that you're a spammer, mind you). However, mods/admins can approve links prior to you having 20 posts and I checked that one and it's fine, so consider it approved. :)

soul elevation
11th December 2012, 08:39 PM
This sounds like disinformation to me but that is just my opinion. I found a discussion about this on Google, and I think it would be a value to share it to include a balanced view:


I wonder what others are thinking. I would love to hear some input.

11th December 2012, 10:19 PM
Just my humble opinion as someone who does not know too much about chakras in theory and practice, but believes to have at least visualised them more than once (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?13235-Heart-Chakra-quot-spiral-galaxy-quot-in-mind-s-eye-trance) in (inner?) astral projections. I also felt them physically in trance or projection state - esp. the top chakra and base chakra. Also I felt the energetic kundalini 'snake' (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?13999-Etheric-Projection-related-to-Kundalini-symptoms) twice (or three times) in my beginning year, which then did not feel 'alien' to me at all.

I did not read all of this page (my eyes hurt when it's white on black, cannot stand that format), just the top part. Therefore I hope I do the author not a too great injustice with my critical comments on the first passages quoted here:

1- The Chakra system is an imposed system that is NOT our natural state. It is a system to compartmentalize our energy for easy access to outsiders and energy vampires.
So who did this? Our alien creators from the start? Or later adjustments by parasites, other 'aliens', vampires? Can they just re-construct our energy blueprint at will? Next to very unlikely, to me this is biased and fear-driven - and where's the evidence?

However, I find it probable indeed that chakras might be 'tapped' and the individual thus (negatively) influenced - just like a physical body can be invaded by infectious bacteria or viruses, especially if their own immune system is not up to par to fight them or fend them off.

However, saying that chakras were built into the system this for the individual to be abused is a little off for me. It is a little like saying that houses are built with doors and windows for burglars to be able to break into them. So maybe the burglars' association talked the architects and builders' association into making houses with windows and doors? So this would then mean, above all, that it would never have been 'natural' at all for humans to have houses with doors and windows? ;)

This system has been in place for several Millennia and no one seems to question it, they have just (as I previously did) accepted it…(especially in the New Age Community.)
Well, it's always easily and quickly done to goof off the bad "New Agers" again *yawn*. But is it just "New Age"? Come on! It's been many ages ... millenia. Why did all the yogi masters and other sages / mystics / healers who found out and taught about the chakras and meridians for millenia not notice that they were just serving as food source, intrusion 'holes' or control levers for vampires etc., why did they never notice anything negative about chakras at all? Many of them were 'enlightened' masters (as far as I know). This doesn't make any sense.

Mainly, these energy concepts are used for positive energy work and healing, at least in my humble understanding.

So could it be true of the other unaware people who are not doing spiritual work and can thus be easily influenced subconsciously via chakra access? Well, maybe, who knows, but for me it is still highly unlikely and unsubstantiated. It goes against what thousands if not millions of mystics practiced and taught for ages. It goes against information from all sacred teachings, and recent challenings as well as knowledge retrieved from regressive hypnosis, too. No, it's all unlikely for me.

2- The chakras or "Cones" were placed there so that specific energies could be accessed. This easy access is ideal to control and manipulate our energy fields and minds. They were put there by ET's that view us as their personal energy source and property.
The author must be friends with David Icke. Just the word 'reptile' is missing. (And yes, all ETs are always evil, of course, we KNOW that for sure... :roll: )

3- Our original state was to have energy that emits from our "Core" or Sun/Star in the Chest / Solar-Plexus area. Each individual has a slightly different wiring system that runs their energy which is custom designed to them. (...)
First of all, I think the author finally makes a good point here. I also believe and I know others do so to (from theory and practice) that the central chakra(s), especially the heart chakra) has/is the most powerful energy source of/for the body either physical or the energy bodies.

Still I am asking myself, if we can really 'custom design' it that much. Well, at least we can also custom-design and re-wire our brain by meditation, learning, realisation, habit changing - which even mainstream science is now more and more beginning to prove. So it might indeed be a possibility and I would not discount it entirely.

Btw, it would be interesting to hear Robert's view on all of this.

11th December 2012, 10:41 PM
Something that I didn't see mentioned here (good post, Volker, I enjoyed it) is that most twentieth-century Hindu Mystics that I've read about (like Yogananda and Vivekananda) regarded the chakra system as a reflection (or source, depending of how you look at it) of the adrenal system. Even though I've read the original article before, I didn't now, but I vaguely remember them saying that the chakra idea wasn't 'natural' and 'imposed'. Yet the human body has specific organs that are very much relevant to what the chakras are supposed to symbolize. So it's not 'imposed', unless you think that the physical body is 'impossed' and 'unnatural', and they I'd regard them as at the very least uninformed.
Real quick, I'll give a quick overview

Chakra-------------meaning or function------------------physical organ correspondence
base chakra- grounding, physical survival- lower parts of the sex organs, the parts that tingle.
sex chakra-----------creation, creativity, fluidity, femaleness---- womb- you know, the part that makes and carries babies.
solar plexus chakra-----------power, 'selfish' emotion-------------- the lower part of the heart's neural system.
heart chakra -----------------love-----------------The physical heart.
Throat chakra---------------communication, creation by will------------- thyroid gland (regulation) and thymus gland --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(immunity)
Brow Chakra--------------Clairvoyance---------------------The eyes & pineal gland
Crown-------------------- Connection to Higher Aspects--------------Top of head (brain)

It seems to me that every chakra has an organ that corresponds directly or indirectly to a function that more often than not is related to what it's supposed to do. So how can they say it was 'installed' to control? It's like saying we have brains and intelligence so that we can be controlled, so don't use your brains. Really?l

12th December 2012, 05:41 AM
Feeling people's energies is easier for me now and i don't have to clear out any negative energy but more or less turn it into positive

The thing about chakras that make me confused is that they're separate and i don't really like that.. also the idea that we have 8th, 9th, etc chakras i don't even know how many i've heard there are supposed to be, i just like to keep it simple

12th December 2012, 05:57 AM
Just gonna rattle your cage a bit, feel free to disregard: "Positive" and "Negative" are wholly dependent on human perception. Take away the framework of human interpretation of material reality and you'll see that there's no such thing as "Positive energy" or "Negative energy". It's all just energy, all just... stuff.

Back to your regularly scheduled discussion.

12th December 2012, 06:34 AM

i guess a more structured energy would be a better way of putting it

12th December 2012, 11:50 AM
The thing about chakras that make me confused is that they're separate and i don't really like that ...
But they are not separate. Just compartments of the 'same thing'. Nadis (Hindu), meridians (Chinese) or spine/Kundalini-energy might be the interconnection. Or all of it?

Some commonly accepted chakra systems are the Hindu Chakra model, the Tantric Chakra model and the Traditional Chinese Chakra model.

Hindu Chakra model
To the Hindus, the chakras are part of the esoteric anatomy. They are interconnected with the nadis, which are meridian-like channels that carry energy around the body. Some ancient texts defined four chakras plus a metaphysical one. Still other venerable texts report five, six, seven or more chakras. The basis of this system proposes that the chakras interface with other energy bodies to assist in the rising of kundalini, a type of life energy that invites union with the Divine.

Tantric Chakra model
In this system, chakras (often numbering eight) are emanations of consciusness from Brahman, the Divine. This higher energy descends from the spiritual realms through gradually lower frequency levels, until finally coming to rest in the base of the spine as kundalini, a sleeping serpent. Along the way, the different types of consciousness are preserved in various chakras: energy bodies that lie along the spine. Each chakra represents a separate level of consciousness. Through yoga, one reawakens the kundalini energy so it can rise through the higher chakras and eventually transform one back into the highest state. In other words, the chakras provide the path of returning to enlightenment.

Traditional Chinese model
The Chinese model presents the circulation of chi, or life energy, through the meridians rather than the nadis, but there are many similarities between this and the Hindu system. As with the basic Hindu model, the chakras are located in the cerebrospinal areas. They are part of the process of evolving into union with the deity. Depending on the system, there are six to eight chakras involved.

Source: http://landsofwisdom.com/?p=1182

Moreover, the author on that vampire page also stated that we have different energy vortexes, just mentioning the hands and feet. So it's more or less old wine in new bottles that is given there.

...also the idea that we have 8th, 9th, etc chakras i don't even know how many i've heard there are supposed to be, i just like to keep it simple
You have trillions and trillions of your "own" human cells ("own" means not counting in the bacteria now which are even more!) making up your body with vastly different composition and specialised functions (yet with a basic underlying principle as they came from one stem cell). That isn't what I would call 'simple' either. So we cannot put up easily with 'only' 7 (or a little more) chakras? ;)

Yes, as CFT mentioned the physical glands connection theory is interesting:


There are however other theories about the connection of 'placement', such as human inner cavities functioning as energetic resonators (e.g. the heart (cavities) = heart chakra, bowels = sakral, etc.). I need to look it up where I find the links. It was a research institute where they developed medical gadgets to stimulate human energy body fields. They made a model and could also somehow 'measure' it all. I even consider trying it out (when I'm a healer next year).

12th December 2012, 12:48 PM
For me the chakras and meridians are 2 different thing´s....chakras are vortexes and meridians are like vires. I know this might sound strange, but my meridians has bean re-vired, it was done during the time I was in contact with the shaman, and I asked him what they are doing to me, and he did not even believe me when I tried to tell that I was re-wired and that it looked like new electrical cables in me was re-done...he did not even know what I was talking about, but this did happen to me, and I have to believe it was for my greater good and for all greater good, I am still digesting and waiting for answere what was done to me, but I can tell I do feel better and better day by day, and abuse are gone for now at least in my life, and I do feel it has to do me becoming more and more stronger and being more and more clear seeing, but still I am so happy I do not feel bitter or any feeling to get even or even thinking bad of my abusers, this I feel is a real pure grace, thank you.

12th December 2012, 06:27 PM
this was a good read , i enjoyed it very much :jester:

15th December 2012, 04:55 PM
I think this is yet another astral clairvoyancy misunderstanding. The whole "psychic vampirism" bit seems to support that - chakras are indeed gateways for exchanging energy with your environment. Volgerle put it very aptly when he compared it with that "window/door" analogy. In a house without windows and doors you would suffocate. Similarly, the energy system is essentially wired into everything else.

The chakras serve as a multitude of things - including as organs of sensory perception on all planes of existence in their respective higher aspects - something you might experience as 8th, 9th (and so on) chakras. Just as the physical body has orifices and openings to exchange with the environment (sound, light, nutrients, waste materials), there are also openings in the energy bodies for similar purposes.

The problem with certain clairvoyants is that clairvoyancy can be highly influenced by the beliefs one holds, especially and mostly by fear-based beliefs. These people will then filter and distort information according to their beliefs, but since they've "seen it" they believe it, according to the old adage "Seeing is believing." The problem is that the accuracy of the clairvoyant will influence what she or he sees. This includes the development of the different energy bodies and their inner senses - and at the astral level this information is least reliable and prone to error.

Since there are few clairvoyants who can also accurately perceive the mental/causal levels of existence (or beyond), a fair share of channeled material and clairvoyant observations are in part reflections of the un- and half-conscious fears of the person conducting them, leading to "shocking revelations" like this one...

16th December 2012, 02:27 AM
i will also say there are limits with chakras, there's no need for clearing, and don't have to focus on individual ones to bring in energy.. just focus on the whole for me now.. I will update later since i'm still learning about my energy more :cool: